Can You Imagine?
1. CAN YOU IMAGINE Jesus saying: "Search the Scriptures and your catechism, and your Book of Mormon (and don't forget your Discipline!) for in them ye think you have eternal life?"
2. CAN YOU IMAGINE Ananias telling Saul to arise and wash away his sins, and then be baptized later if he wanted to?
3. CAN YOU IMAGINE Paul saying we are buried with Christ in baptism by sprinkling?
4. CAN YOU IMAGINE John the Baptist saying, I am not that One, but I am infallible just like He is?
5. CAN YOU IMAGINE John writing: "Love not the world, but drink a little with your friends in order to be sociable?"
6. CAN YOU IMAGINE Paul and Silas taking funds from the church at Corinth to build a new science building at Thessalonica?
7. CAN YOU IMAGINE the Apostle Paul, as Youth Director, urging the Boy's Club at Jerusalem to the church where sack races and a devotional speaker will be employed to draw many to Christ?
8. CAN YOU IMAGINE Peter and John planning birthday activities for Jesus, so later Paul could write that Christ said as often as we do this we show remembrance of Him until He comes again?
9. CAN YOU IMAGINE the Hebrew writer saying, Let brotherly love continue so long as no one despitefully uses you?
10. CAN YOU IMAGINE Paul telling those at Ephesus that he had not shunned to declare the whole counsel of God, except those things that they had told him would offend some people?