Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 16, 1969

The Bible

Kent Ellis

Among all the literary productions of the ages there is found none to rival or equal the Bible. Apart from divine guidance, it is not the sort of book man could have written if he would, or would have written if he could. It transcends the capabilities of man on the one hand and contradicts his propensities on the other. Its contents reach into the boundless ages of two eternities and its history and prophecy record the complete span of time and terrestrial existence. In it is found the only true science of origins — the creation of the heavens and earth and all things therein by the fiat of an all-wise and Almighty God. And the Scriptures alone describe in advance the last scene of man's existence as we now know it, "when the curtain will drop upon the stage of time" and "the theater of earth shall be taken down." The Spirit describes past, present, and future with equal accuracy and certainty. Only in God's revelation can man learn of his true origin, duty, and destiny. Thus, the Bible places man in the proper perspective, whereby he may know how to live "the life which now is" and how to prepare for "that which is to come."

This marvelous book alone reveals the true nature of God and of man. It teaches man his proper relations and obligations to both God and to men. These oracles instruct man perfectly in his spiritual, domestic, economic, civil, and social responsibilities. Here he learns his "whole duty" is to fear God and keep His commandments. Here he learns to love God with all his being, and his neighbor as himself. He finds that his conscience is to be void of offense toward both God and man always. By following no other book than this can man be fitted for the fellowship of God and the society of the redeemed.

The "way of salvation" is revealed in such a way in this sacred volume that those with limited natural ability or those who have had little educational opportunity can grasp it. Yet its themes are so profound that the most erudite scholar can labor in its mines of wisdom and knowledge for a lifetime without depleting the wealth of its riches.

No other book in the world which man can study and meditate upon is as important, enlightening, and as satisfying as the inspired word of God. No man is well-educated without a knowledge of it. But, forget not, the truth is not just to be admired; it is to be practiced. Then, and only then, does the Bible become a veritable book of life.

— 417 E. Groesbeck, Lufkin, Texas 75901

(Author's Note: This article recently appeared in a paper called Christian Thoughts, published by the Emory, Texas church, edited by Roger Price. It was attributed to "Author Unknown." However, I wrote the article over five years ago for a weekly newspaper article and have since republished it in my bulletin. A correction has been promised in the next issue of the above-named paper. This explanation is given to avoid being branded a plagiarist for publishing my own writings.)