Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 28, 1968

This I Believe

Voyd N. Ballard

I believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and that it reveals the Will of God to man. II Tim. 3:16,17.

I believe the Apostles were inspired of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 1:12) and that they preached the gospel of Christ with the Holy Spirit sent down from Heaven. I Peter 1:12.

I believe that any man or even an angel from Heaven will be accursed if he preaches any other gospel. Gal. 1:8.

I believe that the Gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes it. Rom. 1:16 I believe that it is just as powerful today as it was when the Apostles preached it in the long ago.

I believe this gospel is the Truth that will make men free from sin (Jno. 8:32) and I believe this Truth endureth to all generations. Psa. 100:5.

I believe that men are just as wrong as they can be when they say the gospel has lost its power. I believe the trouble lies in a lack of powerful preaching. 11 Tim. 4:2.

I believe this Gospel (The Faith) was once delivered (Jude 3) by the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 2:10.

I believe the Holy Spirit guided the Apostles into all Truth Jno. 16:13, and that man needs nothing else.

I believe those who claim to have the baptism of the Holy Spirit today are false teachers and should be branded as such. I John 4:1. —