Gospel Guardian Tell-Al-Gram
DEBATE: "The debate with Mr. H. C. Vanderpool is set for Nov. 18,19,21,22 at McNeill School. Bro. Frank Puckett will moderate for me. Time is 7:30 nightly. --Weldon Warnock, Bowling Green, HAYNES STREET, DAYTON, OHIO: James P. Needham scheduled for a meeting December 9-13--five nights on the "Home and Christian Living".
MOVING TO PHOENIX, ARIZONA: Roger M. Hendricks from Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee, to Maryvale church in Phoenix. In December.
MOVING TO SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA: R. J. Stevens leaves Pampa, Texas in January to work with the Mt. View congregation in San Bernardino.
MURRAY, KENTUCKY: Harold Trimble will be at the West Murray congregation in a meeting November 18-24. Frank Puckett at West Murray December 13-14 speaking on "Problems That Divide Us".
SPECIAL ISSUE ON THE HAT OR COVERING OR VEIL OF I CORINTHIANS 11 - "The Preceptor", October issue. Order from Phillips Publications Box 17244, Tampa, Fla. 33612. Articles by James P. Needham, Hiram Hutto, Roy Cogdill and others.
EASTSIDE, ATHENS, ALABAMA: Eugene Britnell in a meeting at Eastside the first week in December.
WENDALL AVENUE, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY: Don Bassett in a meeting at Wendall Avenue November 18-24.
PINE HILLS, ORLANDO, FLORIDA: Marshall Patton in a meeting November 17-27.
"LESTER HATHAWAY CHANGES": "Wednesday night, July 24, Brother and Sister Lester Hathaway of Mobeetie, Texas, came forward at the service of the church in Wheeler, Texas, to confess sin. Brother Hathaway spoke for them and his words were words of courage, faith, humility and love. For years Bro. Hathaway has been a widely known preacher for our non-Bible class brethren, but said he now realized that it was a matter of opinion which he had regarded as law, and that he has been guilty of dividing churches and brethren over it. --Firm Foundation, October 22, 1968.
EUGENE, OREGON: The church in Eugene, E. L. Flannery preacher, offers special studies: Men's Training Class, "Life of Christ", "Acts of Apostles", "Church History and Restoration", "General Bible Classes For All Ages", "Home Bible Studies as can be arranged"--September 10-January 22.
KOREA: "Gene Plyler, while in the Air Force stationed in Korea, has helped to establish and is presently preaching for a church in Osan. Those desiring more detailed information concerning the work in Osan may write to Sgt. Eugene R. Plyer, 6314 Spt. Wg., APO SF 96570".
PREACHER NEEDED: "The Eastside church in Yakima, Wash. would like to hear from preachers interested in coming here to work with the church beginning AUGUST 1969. Contact: Eastside church of Christ, 910 LaSalle St., Yakima, Washington 98901" .
STEVE HUDGINS - OCALA, FLORIDA: "A new work started here in Ocala in May with 40 members. At the present time we are meeting in a store building on N. E. 14th Street next to the corner of 25th Ave. This work has been self supporting from the beginning. We have purchased a nice lot at 3900 S. Pine, on Highways 441, 301 and 27 and hope to begin our building in November. We are financing the building with 7% First Mortgage Bonds in denominations of $100 and $500 and would be glad to hear from any who would like to help themselves and the church by investing in these bonds. Our new mailing address (mine too) is 2922 S. E. 7th Street. We can be reached by phone at 629-1411."
NOTE: We carry Steve Hudgin's Chart Sermons. There are seven volumes, selling at $1.00 each. Some of the best chart sermons available.
GOSPEL GUARDIANS NEEDED: Robert Crawley needs numbers 8,23, and 44 of Volume I. His address: 2522 Southview Drive, Lexington, Ky. 40503....Jimmy Tuten, Jr. needs the following numbers in Volume III: 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 27,33,50,51. He also is looking for volumes one and two of Truth Magazine. Write him at 3800 Blaine Avenue, St. Louis 10, Missouri.
JOHN W. PITMAN, P. O. BOX 272, MOUNTAIN VIEW, ARKANSAS 72560: "Enjoyed a fine meeting with the saints in Bowling Green, Missouri October 13-20. All agreed that it was the best attended meeting in the history of the church, since the starting date was in 1966. Albert F. Robinson works with the saints and seems to be pleased with his work...I am looking for meeting work or full time with a working church, one that will work with the preacher as well as he with them. I refuse to be a "pastor". I can furnish half of my support and will consider when schools are out in May. Phone 269-8514."
ANOTHER REQUEST FOR GOSPEL GUARDIANS: "Urgently need i copy of Volume I, number 44 of Gospel Guardian to complete my files of this periodical. Will pay any reasonable price." E. L. Lewis, 1112 W. Washington, Sunnyvale, Calif. 94086.
THE SOUTH 46th STREET ELDERS, FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS request that we mention that James R. Cope closed a meeting with the South 46th Street church in October and the preaching was "outstanding".
ANOTHER LIST OF GOSPEL GUARDIANS NEEDED - AUSTIN MOBLEY, 454 Perry Road, Tallmadge, Ohio 44278: Volume XIII, Numbers 4,22,30; Volume XIV numbers 1,2,5,32..,
...Volume XV numbers 4,7,22,23,25,26,27,28,29,34,36,37,42,46; Volume XVI, numbers 9, 11 thru 38, 40.
COME ON brethren, look through your old boxes in the basement, in the attic, in the closet...can you help these brethren complete their files?
GRATIFYING NOTE, SATISFYING RESPONSE: "Just want to say thanks for your great help, that spread you gave this work was tops. I am happy to report that I am staying on here as my support has been increased to a living wage...you might mention this in the Guardian so any others considering this work will go ahead with other plans. Man....it sure feels good to be on top of the financial situation again, I was beginning to think I had been assigned to poverty, thanks more than you can possibly know." Jack Gibbert, Myrtle Beach, S. C.
HOW ABOUT IT BRETHREN? Let's back up our workers who are in difficult fields. The Gospel Guardian will try to keep you informed about the needs of various works. Pray frequently for men like Jack Gibbert, and "supplement" your prayers with financial support. I suspect the Lord will bless you too.
Edgar Furr, Texas Normal Singing School, Box 456, Sabinal, Texas recently sent in a nice list of new subscribers. So did Jimmy Tuten, Jr. of Spring and Blaine congregation in St. Louis, Missouri. Jack Huff, Front Street church in Poteau, Oklahoma also. Thanks brethren! Others have done the same, and there are yet others who are planning on sending in lists soon. The more subscribers we have the more good we can do.
Glenn H. Reagan of Rochester, N. Y. writes, "I should mention that I do enjoy the articles very much and that especially in my area (Northeast) any conservative magazine is a welcome source of encouragement." Box 5121 River Campus Station, Rochester, N. Y. 14627.
CHARLES F. HOUSE IN "TROUBLE": "I simply CAN NOT leave this field until my job is completed. To leave now will throw 14 year's hard work and personal sacrifice right out the window." He recently lost nearly $300 monthly support. It would be a shame for House to be forced to abandon the work among Spanish speaking people. Write him at P. O. Box 1031, Douglas, Arizona 85607.
W. C. HINTON, Jr. writes from Japan, "The work in Yokohama still could use a preacher that would free himself of ties in the land of the "big PX" and venture out here to save possibly hundreds of souls. It doesn't seem too much to ask for the rewards available. A new family has moved into the Yokohama area, making about 15 members. Who will come????"
THE BRETHREN IN FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY are in a new building. Frank Butler is preaching for the congregation and there are reports that the church is making progress.