Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
October 31, 1968

Yuma, Arizona

In response to the "Warning" which appeared on page 8, Gospel Guardian of June 27, 1968, issued by the elders and preacher of the 5th Avenue and 12th Street congregation in Yuma, and which was warning against "hurtful extremes" in the congregation meeting at 2345 1st Avenue in Yuma, we have this statement signed by Brother Bob L. Dietrich and about a dozen other brethren from 1st Avenue:

"We do not claim perfection, but are striving toward that goal. If the teaching practice of New Testament discipline in the Lord's church is considered 'hurtful extremes', we plead guilty. Those concerned in this matter (including the elders and preacher of the 5th Avenue church) are requested to investigate our teaching and practice before judging us."

Any brethren who are interested may write to both congregations at the addresses listed above.