M. C. Cuthbertson, 1220 Elden Ave., Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 20. "Dear Brethren: We appreciate the good work that is being done by you. Luther Blackmon is to begin a meeting with us Feb. 14. We look forward to a fine meeting. One former Methodist was baptized Sunday last. Two others added by membership. I spoke in Highland Park, Dallas, the last Sunday evening of the old year. Our work for the year 1951, includes helping in the Honolulu work with brother Howard White; brother John Wilson in the work here in meetings through this general section; several places we are helping some in addition. Brother Herman Campbell is with me in the work here at Central. He is also one of our elders."
Luke Miller, Lufkin, Texas: "The white church here called me to work in this section among my people in evangelistic work. They have supported and encouraged me wonderfully. They have also allowed me to run meetings in other sections. As result of their great mission work two new congregations were established, others builded up. Over 200 baptisms and restorations all praise to God. I am thankful to the white church here and all white churches everywhere who are doing so much to spread the gospel among my people. The Guardian and Ancient Landmarks are great papers and have been a blessing to me. They have greatly encouraged me by publishing my reports and articles. Brothers Roy Cogdill, Brightwell, Blackmon, Thompson, Cled E. Wallace and others have been a blessing to me in my work here. Pray for me."
Eugene Britnell, Box 23, Manila, Ark.: "Brother H. F. Sharp of the Church of Christ, Blytheville, Ark., met Mr. Jim Balch a Missionary Baptist of Balch, Ark., in a four night debate at Beedeville, Ark., January 16 through 19. There were far more people attended each night than could be seated and the conduct of all was good. Brother Sharp is one of our most outstanding debaters and did a splendid job defending the truth. It was obvious that the truth was detected and understood by the majority of the people who attended. I was the moderator for brother Sharp and Mr. John Causey for Mr. Balch."
J. C. Reed, Star Route, Stanton, Texas: "Herewith $2 for my subscription to the "Gospel Guardian." I don't consider this a donation to the "G. G. Plan" but payment for goods and services rendered, as I feel the G. G. is certainly worth $2 per year."
Will M. Thompson, Box 262, Atoka, Okla.: "It has been some time since I sent a report to Gospel Guardian. I wish to say that I began work with the church in Atoka, Okla., the first Sunday in January. Work is off to a good start and we trust that we have a pleasant and profitable work. We have a nice congregation here, and plenty of facilities to carry on the Lord's work as it should be. Will W. Slater will be with us in Singing School latter part of March and first part of April. Our spring meeting will embrace last two Sundays in April. Your humble servant doing the preaching. I have dates open for one or two meetings not yet booked."
Wm. H. Parsons, Box 496, Magnolia, Ark.: "Interest and attendance are on the increase here in Magnolia. Four have placed membership recently. Contributions are averaging $250 a week. We have purchased property for an auditorium and Bible school annex just across the street from our present location at a cost of $17,500. This gives us the best property in town. Brother Horace W. Busby begins our meeting February 4. Brother Earl Richardson of Camden, Ark., is to direct the song service. I am to begin a meeting with brother 0. C. Hartsell and the church at Springhill, La., March 12."
Richard Donley, 206 Gale Ave., Peoria, "We had a record attendance yesterday, with three restorations and two baptisms. That makes a total of five restorations and six baptisms in two weeks. We are getting some good response to the radio preaching, and also to the Ancient Landmarks that we are having sent out."
A. L. Harbin, 173 DeWitt Ave., Napa, Cal., Jan. 15: "One was restored here yesterday."
Chaplain Frank Trayler, 1406 Clower St., San Antonio, Texas: "We set a NEW HIGH in attendance at Chapel No. 4, Lackland Air Force Base, at 2:00 p.m. last Sunday. There were 168 people present. Interesting statistics have come to me recently. Since January 1, 1.6 percent of all the men entering the Air Force are members of the church of Christ, or else prefer it. In contrast to that, if we count our membership at one million, we represent only .066 percent of the population of the United States. It looks as if more of our preachers should consider the Air Force Chaplaincy. Educational requirements: A. B. degree and three years Seminary (advanced study might work). Endorsement is secured through the Office of the Adjutant General, upon recommendations from three preachers who are acquainted with the applicant as to character, ability, his being in fellowship with churches of Christ, and representative of them."
Thos. McDonald, Graham, Texas, Jan. 17: "During the last two weeks we had three for baptism at Graham, four for membership, and two for restoration. Those baptized were heads of families, one having been a teacher in the Oak Street Baptist Church. Our audiences are larger than we can care for conveniently."
J. T. Marlin, Mayfield, Ky.: "Two were baptized here Sunday. Our Bible school attendance has recently set a new record. This week our mid-week Bible study attendance has reached a new high of 242."
Loyd L. Smith, 1903 Kenyon, Lawton, Okla., Jan. 17: "The work in Lawton continues to grow. Sixth and Arlington, where Roy Foutz preaches, plans to start a new congregation in the northwest part of town this year. The Daily Bible Lesson from KSWO, which I conduct, will enter its sixth year the first of February. People who think radio work doesn't do any good are mistaken. Many have learned the truth and obeyed it as a result of this work. Due to some changes in plans, I have time for a meeting the last two weeks in August. I will be glad to go where I may be needed."