Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 25, 1951


Leon Savage, Waco, Texas

Ladies and Gentlemen; of the reading audience. In the days which lie ahead of us, we are to be confronted with the question, "Why must these things be?" The answer may be obscure, yet, it may be very obvious.

In the days of Old Testament history, God dealt with His people in harsh manners. This dealing was brought about because His people had dealt adversely with God's laws. Politics had been mixed with their religion. Israel became more concerned with the affairs of the nation, than the affairs of heaven. Of these things, Paul said, "They were written for our learning." It has always been the history of the Apostates of God to sell out to the devil. Consider Judas. In each case they "sought opportunity to lay hands on him." This is done in a very sly procedure.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I ask you kindly to awaken to the dangers of the Roman Catholic Church. Their interest is in overthrowing the American way of life. Cardinal Spellman has just made an appeal to "every American" to vote in the coming election, not only as "a patriotic duty," but as a "religious necessity." REMEMBER, the Catholic Church has 10,000,000 votes in America. They have a religious goal. This goal is to them a NECESSITY.

What Is The Goal:

I. Bringing the Downfall of Free School System 1. "The Catholic Church has the right, to deprive the state of the ENTIRE government of the public school." Ex-Priest Frensborg. Page 283-287.

2. "If your son or your daughter is attending a state school you may be sure you are violating your duty as a Catholic parent and contributing to the everlasting anguish and despair of your child. Take it away. Let it rather never know how to write its name than to become bound and chained slave of Satan." Shepherd of the Valley.

3. "I frankly confess that the Catholics stand before the country as enemies of the public schools." Father Phelan.

4. "I had rather administer the sacraments to a dog as to the Catholic who sends their children to the public schools." Priest Walker.

II. Against Freedom of Speech and Press 1. "The Roman Catholic Church has the power to exercise her power without permission or consent of the state." "The Roman Catholic Church has the power to require the nation not to permit FREE EXPRESSION OF OPINION." Ex-Priest Frenborg's Book.

III. Against Religious Liberty, or the Right to Worship God as His Word Directs 1. "The state has no right to leave every man free to profess and embrace whatever religion he shall deem true." Ex-Priest Frensborg.

2. Since the Holy Catholic Church over which Christ has willed we preside, is set forth a mirror and example, whatever it has decreed, whatever it now ordains, MUST be irrefragably observed by ALL MEN."

IV. They are For Support By the United States Government For Their Parochial Schools There is now in Congress much pressure from the Catholics for a tax bill to support Catholic schools. (Thought they were against free schools) They are against anything that is not Catholic. They brand everything that is non-catholic as communistic.

V. They are Set Out to Conquer America 1. "We can have the United States in 10 years, and I want to give you three points for your consideration: The Negroes, the Indians, the public school." Bishop Ireland.

Caution To All

"And there is some talk of moving the Vatican to America. Idle as it may seem to Americans, Rome writers have considered it seriously for many reasons. One, BECAUSE OF THE "NOT DISTANT POSSIBILITY THAT THE CATHOLIC POPULATION OF THE REPUBLIC WILL INCREASE UNTIL THE FAITH BECOMES THE PREVALENT RELIGION." Another, America is regarded as the ideal land, where in its days of trial the church or Rome may find protection and hospitality." The Vatican Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow by Seldes. Page 146.

How Is Rome Conquering America?

"New Deal Administration flouted immigration laws and gave enormous impetus to the influx of Roman Catholics. The results, 25,000,000 Catholic immigrants came to America, giving them additional votes. THIS IS HOW THEY HAVE THE POWER TO EXERCISE THEIR POWER WITHOUT CONSENT OF STATE.

Ladies and Gentlemen, will you consider seriously the above situation? With whom are we at war? Answer. Communism and Catholicism. For what are we at war? Democracy or Catholicism? We as democracy loving citizens feel that democracy would be, and is safe. Catholics are afraid. Ladies and Gentlemen, AWAKE!

The American army should be used to defend America. It should not be used to defend any religious hierarchy!