Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 2, 1950


Lacking Proper Degrees

Dear Brother Yater:

I am now preaching at New London, and have been for the last few weeks. Have not taken the time to write you concerning the change. I enjoy the Guardian very much as it stands for the issues I stand for. I think you are doing a great work and I am boosting all I can. Why brethren can't see the tendencies I cannot understand. However, I found out while in the Christian Church that such conditions refuse to be corrected, and so must be exposed and those responsible made to get out into the open. They say: "The people of the church are not ready for this yet, and we'll have to be careful how we approach them."

My recent meeting at Murrell Blvd. in Paducah reminded me of the many things "We" have taken in—into the church of the Lord, that is, since I came out of the Christian Church. Some of our brethren keep coming up with something NEW (which we tried out in the Christian Church twenty-five years ago and found unworkable); and they think the rest of us fools for not going all out with them in promoting the thing. Much of this trouble is coming from the wrong kind of teachers in the schools. I asked one school president why they did not get brother Arceneaux to teach Bible there, and he said the brother did not have the proper degrees. I then replied: "Why not hire a flunky with the degrees to sign the papers, and let brother Arceneaux do the teaching—maybe that way the flunky would learn what and how to teach!" I mention Arceneaux, but there are many others like him who are capable of giving our young men in the schools something they need—and aren't getting.

Fraternally yours Floyd A. Decker


Concerning that "Letter to Lubbock"

In reading the October 5th issue of the Gospel Guardian, I note your article entitled "A Letter to Lubbock". In this you raised the question concerning the mass meetings that are being arranged and conducted by the Broadway Church of Christ in interest of the Frankfurt, Germany, work. Let me say that I am in full agreement with the letter and the plan that you submitted to brother Sherrod. If you noticed brother Gatewood's itinerary, you noticed that he is to appear in Amarillo at the Municipal Auditorium, and this meeting has been arranged by the San Jacinto church. However, I would like to point out to you that when brother Gatewood comes here, no collections will be taken, no pledge envelopes will be passed out. Brother Gatewood will simply tell us of the work in Germany, both what has been done and what is to be done, and some local preacher will make a simple appeal for the churches of the area to support the work as the elders of the various congregations decide.

As this is the only one of brother Gatewood's appearances that is to be conducted in this fashion, as far as I know, I thought you would like to know it. I am persuaded that if those who know and love brother Gatewood and the Broadway brethren would take that attitude that you have in the letter to brother Sherrod, and then would plead for these meetings on that basis that I have stated, it would do much to clear the situation up.

Brother Tant, I think you and your colleagues are doing a wonderful work, and I hope that you will continue in the way you have begun.

In Christian love

Joe L. Banks

Amarillo, Texas


Deplores "Anti-Millennial Attitude"

Dear Brethren:

I have your card stating that the brother paying for the Gospel Guardian being sent to me has discontinued it. I will not now renew. Thanks for his good intentions. May the Lord bless all the good the paper does, and may He make less the ill-effects of its anti-millennial attitude and teaching. May we all strive for the unity of the Spirit.

Your brother in Christ,

E. H. Hoover

Chattanooga, Tenn.


The Fog Is Lifting

Dear Yater:

My sincere admiration and love is yours for the editorial in this week's (October 5) Gospel Guardian. In the work of your paper it is so easy for minds to be agitated, issues to slip from principles to personalities, and for petty snipery to sneak into the discussion of divine principles. I fear that an otherwise healthy sense of humor is mistaken for bitterness in your writings at times.

Frankly, I now have more appreciation for the work you are doing in the Gospel Guardian in the present crisis. I got a clearer conception of your purposes and intentions from your article which abounded in sincerity and love than I have previously. I appreciate the sentiment you express, and I see more clearly than before the danger as it begins to loom.

Be assured of my continued personal regard and affection, and that my prayers will be for you in His work...

Wendell Broom

Wilmington, Delaware


"Big" Churches And "Big" Programs

While I have not concurred with every thought in the Guardian, I surely see danger and error in this line of the "big" churches taking over to run the "big" programs.

Frank L. Smith

Shawnee, Oklahoma