CORRECTION: We carried an announcement in last issue that brother T. H. Tarbet was traveling among the churches and was open for local work. This announcement was in error, for neither statement is a fact. We apologize for any embarrassment this may have caused brother Tarbet and for any trouble or concern it may have given anyone.
A. T. Harris, Dallas, Texas, July 1: "Cleon Lyles, of Little Rock, Ark., closed a six-day meeting at Pearl and Bryan. One baptism, and a fine hearing for the excellent preaching. Brother Overby is assisting a weak place here in Dallas as we have assisted others that needed help. Brother Ectives is being supported in South Africa by the Pearl and Bryan church and reports to us alone. Visitors coming to Dallas, come to see us."
Boyd D. Fanning, Snyder, Texas, July 3: "In the past four months we have had thirty-three added by baptism, forty-eight by transfer, and six restored. Although our auditorium was enlarged four years ago to seat five-hundred and fifty, we now are using a hundred folding chairs Sunday mornings. I shall preach in meetings at Ira, Hermleigh, and Loyd Mountain (in the county) during July and September, and at Central Church, Denison, Texas, August 18 to 27. Preston Cotham and Wayne Partain begin our summer meeting August 3."
B. L. White, Box 517, San Juan, Texas: "Last Lord's day evening, June 18, another young man was restored to the faith, making six responses to the invitation since my last report—four baptisms, one to become identified, and one restored. I am now in my fifth year with the church at San Juan, Texas. When in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, worship with us!"
Hugh Boydston, 10524 Harry Hines, Dallas, Texas, June 23: "Closed at Logan, N. Mex., Wednesday night. One was baptized, and one restored. Both grown married people. This was a mission meeting supported by the church here. The Logan Church has around ten members, and a nice new building that is a credit to the town."
Richard Donley, 424 Fredonia, Peoria, Ill., June 26: "Record attendance yesterday. Two baptized, two restored, and five identified in the past two weeks. Both of the men baptized
were natives of the north. It is just not true, that, you can not preach
the gospel effectively in the northern part of America. I have time for a meeting the last part of August."
Howard Casada , Booneville, Ark., June 21: "Sterl A. Watson did some fine preaching in a meeting here, which closed last week. Three were baptized. Brother Watson also preached twice to the sanatorium patients while here. One was baptized here last Lord's day evening."
W. E. Fortney, 162 Harrison Street, Clarksburg, W. Va., June 28: "The meeting at Silver Hill, W. Va., continued over two Lord's days, with good interest and one baptism."
James C. Bays, Box 372, Smyrna, Tenn.: "From every standpoint our vacation Bible school was a success. Over one hundred of those enrolled were from sectarian homes, thus furnishing Us plenty to do in our follow up work. Prejudice kept some away and some came for the loaves and fishes, but we managed to enroll one hundred fifty-one, with average attendance 110. Recently the church at Cedar Grove sent me to Marion, North Carolina. Wherever there are Christians, they talk of J. W. Brents and hold him in high esteem. The Marion brethren are trying to build a meeting house and have the roof on and the floor down. The twenty-five members there have done well, but they must have some help. They are worthy and deserving. G. A. Dunn and Earl West, Caldwell Lane, Nashville, Tenn., can supply any information necessary. Ignorance, superstition, and prejudice are deeply entrenched, but the church is there to stay. Two baptisms and one restoration."
Cleon Lyles, Little Rock, Ark., July 1: "Two were baptized, four restored, and six placed membership at Fourth and State in June. The Pearl and Bryan Church, in Dallas, Texas, closed a week's meeting the 30th, in which I preached and T. Roy Finley directed the singing. One was baptized. Coleman Overby is in his eighth year with this good church and is much appreciated. It was a pleasure to be associated with many of the gospel preachers in Dallas."
Basil C. Doran, Box 10086, Houston 18, Texas: "Yesterday was a great day of rejoicing here at Garden Oaks. Three were baptized, and one restored. There are many more we feel will obey the Lord soon. This morning I was called to the home of a lady 91 years of age who had been an Episcopalian all of her life. After talking with her for a few minutes about the Lord's plan of salvation, she said, 'I want to do what the Lord wants me to do.' She confessed her
faith in Christ and, using the bathtub for a baptistery, she was buried with her Lord in baptism. We thank God. It would please us for you to pay us a visit when you are in Houston."
Wallace meeting adjourned
Ted W. McElroy
Foy E. Wallace, Jr., preached and Austin Taylor led the singing in the first protracted meeting in the new auditorium at Okmulgee, June 18-25. The meeting began with great interest, which naturally attends the formal opening of a new building, and that interest increased with each service. When the time allotted for the meeting expired, in the unanimous sober judgment of the elders, the interest was too great, the preaching was too grand, the singing was too wonderful to allow the meeting to close—but previous commitments forced both brother Wallace and brother Taylor to go—so the meeting was just adjourned until fall when we will take up where we left off — with the same interest, the same preacher, and the same singer.
I have been associated with brother Wallace and brother Taylor for the past ten years, and I have never seen them reach greater heights of excellence than they did in this meeting. Neither time, trouble, nor tribulation has abated the power, strength, and usefulness of these men. Some results of the first session were: three baptisms, one renounced the error of the Christian Church, and the church was greatly edified and strengthened. The church looks forward with happy expectation to the next session of the Wallace-Taylor meeting in Okmulgee.
Vaughn D. Shofner, 1506 24th Place, Lubbock, Texas, June 29: "I preached in a meeting at Northside in Amarillo, June 18-25. Mack Greenway, their song leader and associate preacher, directed the singing. As a result of the personal work of Russell Ingalls, the regular preacher at Northside, three were baptized, and one was restored during this time. This was an interesting meeting. Recently three have been baptized, two restored, and three identified at Southside here in Lubbock."
W. S. Boyett, 7th and Ave. G. Church, Temple, Texas: Our daily Vacation Bible school came to a close on June 5. The average attendance for the school was 156. The record attendance was 170, which was the last day. We only fell under 150 on one day, and that day was bad and rainy. We feel that much good was accomplished during the school. Two were baptized the Sunday following the close of Vacation Bible school.
"I closed a fine meeting at Tow, Texas, last night. Good crowds throughout the meeting, and we feel that good was done. Jack McCall, son of the late J. A. McCall, directed the singing for the meeting. Jack is only fourteen years old, but did a fine job in this, his first effort at leading singing for a meeting. I shall do the preaching in a meeting at Lake Victor, Texas, from July 14-23; and at Hollis, Okla., July 30 to Aug. 9. H. E. Speck, dean of Southwestern State Teacher's College at San Marcos, preached here the Sunday I was away in the meeting at Tow. John Jones, son of Robert C. Jones, of Fort Worth, will preach in my absence while at Lake Victor and Hollis. We are enjoying a most pleasant work with these fine brethren."
W. Woodrow Allen, 401 West 26th Street, Kearney, Neb., July 1: "Frank L. Smith closed a ten-day meeting here, June 28. Five were baptized and four made confession of wrongs. The preaching was plain and forceful, and we believe that much good was done. After losing three families at the close of school our membership now stands at thirty-seven. The churches in Shawnee and Seminole, Okla., continue to help us, financially. Shawnee also sent brother Smith for the meeting just concluded."
James M. Gurley, 713 Highland Ave., Montgomery, Ala., April 27: "The Highland Avenue congregation, of Montgomery, Ala., closed an eleven-day meeting last night. Leroy Brownlow of Fort Worth, Texas, brought twenty-two excellent sermons. Eight baptisms, two restored, and one by transfer of membership was the visible results. From all indications, the church has been greatly stimulated."
James M. Gurley, 713 Highland Ave. Montgomery, Ala., June 23: "The eleven-day meeting at Georgiana, Ala., came to a close June 23. Five were baptized. Ernest Lasiter of the Highland Avenue congregation of Montgomery conducted the song service in an excellent manner. We also
conducted a Vacation Bible school. This was a mission effort on the part of the Highland Avenue Church, as they supported me in the meeting. R. L. Huffman, who lives in Georgiana, labors regularly with the Georgiana brethren, and with other congregations in that part of the state. I want to take this opportunity to recommend brother Lasiter to those needing the services of a song leader for meeting work. I believe him to meet the qualifications. He is also a good leader with young people. His address is: 712 Palmetto, Montgomery, Alabama. He is available during the summer vacation from his college work."
1208 Enrolled in Vacation Bible School
J. T. Marlin
Twelve hundred and eight were enrolled in the daily Vacation Bible school, conducted at Dickson, Tenn., May 29 to June 9. This was the fourth school of this kind in Dickson. In 1947, 342 enrolled; 1948, 942; 1949, 1056. In order to accommodate all of our classes we rented the War Memorial building, just across the street. Thirty-one teachers made up the faculty, with several gospel preachers helping in this good work. The following preachers took part: J. J. Lancaster, Kenneth Fielder, Garland Elkins, Andrew Brown, Steven Hudgins, Aude McKee, Billy Fielder, Robert Jackson, George Ryan. Brethren Brown, Hudgins, McKee, Billy Fielder, Jackson all work with churches in Dickson County, and encouraged this work to the fullest. Brother Homer Royster of Waverly added the spice to the school singing with the children. We have none better in this work. The cost of this school was 6 of one percent per person per day, which means with two lessons being taught daily at the cost of .3 of one percent per lesson. We not only had a fine opportunity to teach church members and their children, but we reached into many sectarian homes.
DeHoff-Marlin to Tour Europe and Holy Land
J. T. Marlin, Dickson, Tenn.
George W. DeHoff, minister of the East Main Street congregation of Murfreesboro, Tenn., and the writer left New York, June 19, by Pan-American airlines for Europe and the Holy Land. We expect to visit in some fourteen or fifteen countries. Both of us have been planning this journey for many years, and for several years have been working with motion pictures and other types of photography in view of this journey. We are loaded with cameras and film of different kinds. We pray that this may be a safe and a profitable journey.
Preacher Available
A preacher friend who I have known for about ten years has just recently been a guest in my home, and returned to his home base, where he is the trusted minister of a mission church in an important field. He is a man of mature years, ripe experience, sound in judgment, free from all isms, hobbies, and hurtful extremes. He is doing a good, constructive work where he now labors. But I am informed that the climatic conditions there are very unfavorable and that his present housing situation is very unsatisfactory. He is reluctant to seek a change, but in my opinion he could do a better work and render a greater service in a warmer, drier climate, where there is a better set-up available for housing. He has a devoted wife, who is equally capable as a teacher of teenagers and church worker. He does not place the dollar sign ahead of the service he can render for Christ and the church. Can you use a man of this type? He has labored in difficult fields and hard places, and in every place he has built up the church and left it in much better condition than he found it. Is there a field where there is a reasonable promise of growth and where some real progress can be made by sane, scriptural methods available for this man? Like the Apostle Paul, he believes strongly not only in teaching publicly, but also from house to house. If interested, kindly let me know, and I'll put you in direct touch with him.
Fred N. Sills,
Route 2, Box 82, Arkansas City, Kansas.