The Bible Way Of Campaigning For Christ
We are living in a day of big "Campaigns." Some people launch "advertising campaigns" in an effort to sell their products. The armed forces often wage a "military campaign" to obtain some desired results. The "Campaign craze" is having its effect upon the church of our Lord today. We hear of such things as "Youth For Christ Campaigns," some "area-wide campaign for Christ," etc. even in the church of Christ. In the near future a multiplicity of congregations of the Lord's church in the state of Indiana are to "cooperate" in promoting "The Greater Indiana Campaign For Christ" here in the city of Indianapolis under the sponsorship of the Franklin Road church of Christ of this city, of which, Bro. Earl West is the preacher.
I have no reason to doubt the honesty and sincerity of the brethren who will have a part in this gigantic effort to preach the gospel to those who may attend the services of this "campaign." I like to think of them as being honest and sincere, while at the same time I know that they are honestly mistaken, and sincerely wrong. I'm sure that most of them really think that they are "campaigning for Christ." But are they?
Let it be understood right now that I have no objections to my brethren campaigning for Christ if they do it by divine authority! It is good for God's people to do all they can to preach the gospel to the lost by any, and every means at their disposal, where there is no Bible principle violated. I am not opposed to means or methods being employed in performing the work of the church. However, there is a Bible way to campaign for Christ, and there is man's way of doing it. I, here and now, charge that "The Greater Indiana Campaign For Christ," is not the Bible way to "campaign for Christ," but, is the way of men!" It is without Divine authority! This I shall prove.
The Bible Way To "Campaign For Christ" (Individually)
Immediately after the establishment of the Lord's church on the first Pentecost after the resurrection of our Lord from the tomb (Acts 2), individual members of the church realized their obligation and privilege of teaching and preaching the gospel of Christ. The Pentecostians "continued steadfastly in the apostle's doctrine." (Acts 2:42) Philip "preached Christ" in Samaria. (Acts 8:5) He "preached Jesus" to the eunuch. (Acts 8:35) Aquila and Priscilla taught Apollos "the way of God more perfectly." (Acts 18:24-26) As the results of the persecution of the church at Jerusalem, many of her members "went every where preaching the word." (Acts 8:4)
Now, who will say that these people were not "campaigning for Christ?" We should all be doing more of this kind of "campaigning for Christ" today! We are all united on this ground. (See Heb. 5:12-14) I know of no one who objects to this kind of "campaigning for Christ." When we do as did the early church with regard to this matter, we do so by Divine authority.
Collectively, Or As A Congregation
The congregations of the Apostolic Age put forth a concerted effort (simultaneous action) to carry out the Great Commission in preaching the gospel to the lost. Each congregation worked concurrently in their effort of preaching the gospel. The word "church" is used in at least three different senses in the New Testament: (1) the church universal (Matt.16:18), (2) the church local, (Gal. 1:2; 1 Cor. 16:1; Rev. 1:4), and the church in the assembled form (1 Cor.11:18,20). With regard to the organization of the church the word is used in the local, or congregational sense. The local church is composed of a part of the "church universal" members of which have banded themselves together in some locale for the purpose of worshipping God, and carrying on the work of the church. The local congregation is the only organization the Lord's church has. Every thing that God has ordained "the church as such" to do can, and must be done in, and through the local congregation. The church universal has no organization. It is not functional!
When a local congregation is fully organized, it has a plurality of men known as elders who have the oversight of that one particular congregation. (Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5; Heb.13:17) These men are to have the qualifications as are outlined on the pages of inspiration by the Holy Spirit in 1 Tim.3, and Titus 1.
Scriptures Violated By The Greater Indiana Campaign For Christ
Please read Acts 20:28-31. What do we read in those verses? (1) Elders are to take heed to themselves first, then to all of the flock where they are elders. (2) Elders are made by the Holy Spirit. (Such is done when they possess the qualifications as given by the Holy Spirit.) (3) The Holy Spirit made them "overseers." (4) They were to "oversee" only the local congregation where they worked and worshipped. (5) They were to "feed" this flock. This was done by teaching them the word of God. (There is no such thing as a "non-teaching elder" by God's authority.)
(6) There were dangers from without, (v.29) (7) However, the most serious danger to the welfare of the church was to come "from within" the eldership. (v.30) (One of the first departures from the Divine pattern of the New Testament church was in "church government.")
Please read 1Pet. 5:2,3. What do we find in those verses? (1) the "feeding" and the "oversight" of the elders was limited to the flock of God which was "among" them. (2) Such work was to be done willingly, with a ready mind, not by constraint, nor for filthy lucre. (3) They were not to lord it over the charge allotted to them, or act in a dictatorial manner, as masters over slaves. (4) They were to be "examples to the flock," or be living such lives that all could safely follow their example and go to heaven when they die.
In the Bible the work and authority of elders stopped at the church in which they lived, worked, and worshipped. Those elders had no authority to take charge of the money of any church except the one over which they were "overseers. " Each congregation was a self-governing unit, of, and within itself. It was to plan and execute its own work to the extent of its ability. God does not require an individual or a congregation to do that which it is unable to do. (Matt. 25:14-30; 11 Con 8:12)
The only time a congregation in the New Testament sent "relief" to another congregation was when the receiving congregation was in need! (11 Cor. 8:13-15) If this is not true, then let someone produce the passage that teaches otherwise.
Any organization larger than the local congregation is too large to be the New Testament church. Any organization smaller than the local congregation is too small to be the New Testament church. Any organization the same as the local congregation (which, of course, is an impossibility) is not needed, as we already have the local congregation - the only organization of the New Testament church.
Nowhere do we read in the New Testament where congregations of an area, or a district, ever "combined" under the "sponsorship" of a local congregation to do the work of the church. If such combinations are accomplished today they are done without Divine authority. All of the local congregations were separate and apart from each other, and were bound together only by the bond of brother love.
The Greater Indiana Campaign For Christ, and the Herald of Truth radio and TV arrangement, both violate these scriptures and principles. (No one should know this better than Brother Earl West, having written and preached these truths in days past as he has.) I can see no justification of anyone who respects Divine authority having anything to do, by way of encouragement, with such area-wide "campaigns" as will be the "GREATER INDIANA CAMPAIGN FOR CHRIST."
-2986 S. Roena Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46241