Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
March 28, 1968

Taking A Second Look

Guthrie Dean — 1900 Jenny Lind , Ft. Smith, Ark.

The PARADE magazine (March 26, 1967) carries an article called "Heaven and Hell in the Space Age," The article is written by Will Oursler and contains a report of the beliefs of the young people of our age. It is encouraging to read that seventy-five percent of Protestants and 83 percent of Roman Catholic young people interviewed do definitely believe in God and in heaven. The report goes on to state that "the overwhelming majority obviously do believe in God's love, His forgiveness, His place for them in eternity. Heaven to these people is no myth." I recently read another article which indicates that more young people today (percentage-wise) are church members and attend church services regularly than ever before in American history. The news media has played up the beatniks, hippies, and no-gooders to such a high pitch that some are thinking that the young adults of this day are going to the dogs. The truth is, the older adults ought to sit up and take notice. Obviously, many of these teenagers are worshipping in religious error, and for this we are brokenhearted. But to learn that the bedrock of American youth is just as moral, just as religious and just as determined to keep our standards high, is encouraging. As parents, we owe our children so much. And the least we can furnish them is an example of righteousness and an unshakeable faith. Children are to be brought UP, not talked DOWN! Solomon said: "Bring UP a child in the way he should go." (Prov. 22:6). Paul says of certain women in the church: "If she have brought UP children." (I Tim. 5:10). And again: "Ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them UP in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." (Eph. 6:4). Brought UP. Brought UP in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. And brought UP in the way he should go.