Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
March 14, 1968

Just A Thought

Floyd D. Chappelear

At one time a "no-class" congregation in Louisville advertized its services this way, "The Church of Christ As It Used To Be — No Sunday School." Since few, if any, of the brethren refer to the Bible Study as a "Sunday School" it would be obviously misleading for the aforementioned brethren to use such a term as it leaves a false impression of what the Bible Study classes really are. The point? There is certainly a difference between the Sunday Schools of the denominations and the Bible classes of faithful Christians. Therefore, if those opposing the Bible class arrangements were to advertize their services today using the above thought and at the same time attempt to be fair in their treatment of all concerned they would have to advertize this way, "The Church of Christ As It Never Was — No Bible Study." Which, incidentally, is the very thing that causes brethren to be opposed to the Bible class arrangement of teaching the Word of God.

1101 Dyson, West Columbia, Texas 77486