Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 29, 1968

Strange, Isn't It?

Donald R. Givens

We believe that the kingdom must come first, and then put it behind anything that comes up.

We believe that we must love the Lord with all our heart, and then we worship Him perhaps one hour per week.

We believe that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation, and then neglect to teach it diligently.

We believe that the Bible is God's very words to mortal men, and then spend more time in reading human works of no spiritual merit.

We believe that God loves a cheerful and liberal giver, and then grudgingly put in our meager contribution.

We believe that the whole counsel of God must be preached, and then complain when it is.

We believe that one must be given to hospitality, and then never invite anyone into our home.

We believe that one must be fervent in spirit, and we are usually too tired or lazy to visit the needy.

We believe that the preacher must reprove, rebuke, and exhort, and then resent an article like this.

My, aren't we strange people?