Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 8, 1968

New Editor For Truth In Love


TRUTH IN LOVE is the name of a monthly journal published by the Gospel Guardian, and which is devoted exclusively to first principle teaching — featuring articles on faith, repentance, confession, baptism, the identity of the church, Christian evidences, denominational error, acceptable worship to God, etc. This paper actually represents a merger of ANCIENT LANDMARKS, started in 1945 by Roy E. Cogdill and TRUTH IN LOVE which was begun some five or six years prior to that time by a group of brethren in Alabama. In 1954 the two papers merged, and since that time have been published under the name TRUTH IN LOVE, a name which through nearly thirty years of uninterrupted publication has become familiar to many thousands of Christians. Among former editors of this magazine appear the names of such men as Jack Meyer, John D. Cox, Anthony Emmons, James W. Adams, Marion Davis, and perhaps others. ANCIENT LANDMARKS had only two editors, Brother Cogdill and this writer; the former served two years as editor, and then turned the task over to the present incumbent of the editorial chair.

And now the time has come for another change — a new editor for TRUTH IN LOVE. His name is Jefferson David Tant. He is the grandson of J.D. Tant, a man who was widely and favorably known to a previous generation of Christians, and who spent a lifetime in sacrificial service in the cause of Christ. We have full confidence his grandson will prove a worthy bearer of the honorable name he wears — and, more than that, will prove a true and faithful disciple of the still more honorable name worn by all followers of the Nazarene. His writings are not unknown to the readers of this page; and although a young man, he has already shown himself a hard worker. a careful student, and a man of good judgment. (Speaking of age, reminds us of the incident that happened when J.D. Tant was in a short debate with the aged J.B. Briney. It was in 1894. Briney had something to say about the impudence of "this callow youth" who had had the temerity to call in question some of his teaching. To which Tant replied, "Brother Briney I am just exactly the age my Lord and Savior was when he met the Devil in debate. You are an old man, but you aren't nearly as old as the devil was at the time of that debate — even though you do preach the same doctrine.") Jefferson David Tant, this month, reaches that same thirty-third milestone in life.

And now, what about TRUTH IN LOVE? A great many congregations through the years have sent this fine paper (an eight page monthly) to their entire prospect list. There have been times when a single congregation was having as many as 3,000 papers each month sent to every family within a certain number of miles of the church. Other congregations have sent the paper to 1,000 names for a single year; then dropped that 1,000 names and added a different group of names of equal number. These efforts have proved highly effective in bringing the knowledge of Christ to a vast number of people through the years. The cost has been (and is) modest indeed. There is an initial cost of 71/2 cents for each address plate made, then after that the cost is only $6.50 per month per 100 names. Changes of address are all handled through the home office, and the congregation is notified of any who drop out due to moving out of the area, or other causes.

It is with a sense of relief and confidence that we turn the great task of editing TRUTH IN LOVE to a younger generation. New problems constantly arise; new conditions of society demand new adaptations and new methods for presenting the old, old story. Man's needs remain the same — he is sinner in need of salvation; and the ancient gospel of Christ. But we must be ever alert, becoming "all things to all men" that our presentation of that blessed story of old may be ever new and fresh and appealing to the weary hearts of sin-sick men.

Any who wish to communicate with Jefferson David Tant may either address him to this office, or may send your article or letter to him at his home address:

401 Phyllis Place, Decatur, Ga.

F. Y. T.