Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 2, 1967

Taking A Second Look

Guthrie Dean, 1900 Jenny Lind, Fort Smith, Arkansas

The Miami Herald of June 17th carries a news story regarding a youth revival of the churches of Christ in that area. It states: "Thirty South Florida Churches of Christ are uniting to sponsor a 'Concern for Youth Week' beginning Monday at the Miami Gardens Church of Christ, 2255 NW 183rd St." The article continues: "A youth in a devil's suit will be picketing the meeting with a variety of signs bearing such messages as: 'Wasting Your Time, "World Has Much To Offer,' and 'Don't Come Back Tomorrow Night. "' I've heard of Christmas in July; but this sounds like Halloween in July. The whole arrangement sounds a bit like the devil is backing the entire procedure. That's why the picket seems so out of place to me. Now if they had a picket standing outside, dressed up like B. C. Goodpasture, carrying a sign reading; "We do many things for which we have no Bible authority" then we might let the matter drop. Otherwise, I think the kid in the devil's suit is stationed at the wrong fortress. He should be on the inside running the show.