Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
September 14, 1967

Anything Men Do Doesn't Change God's Word

Pryde E. Hinton

If the excuse-makers and objectors could point to ten thousand hypocrites as they say, "in the church," and definitely prove what they affirm, Acts 2:36-41 and 47; II Thess. 1:7-10; and I Peter 4:17, 18 would still read the same way even on Judgment Day!

If preachers and others could find and prove their findings, that most of the elders or bishops in the existing churches of Christ are inadequately qualified, and utterly fail in their duties and responsibilities, they would not thereby abolish God's way of overseeing the affairs of the local "flock of God." The following passages would still read the same way: Acts 14:23; 20:17-28; I Tim. 5:17-20; I Tim. 3:1-15; Titus 1:5-11; I Pet. 5:1-5; Heb. 13:7 and 17, etc.

When Israel complained that Samuel's Sons walked not in his way and did sinful and dishonest things, they were telling the truth; but this did not change God's method of ruling Israel! Read all of I Samuel 8 - carefully - thoughtfully - prayerfully!

I have known preachers who utterly failed to teach the whole truth, and lived lives that were completely out of harmony with the gospel, but that doesn't abolish the need for more devoted, faithful preachers of the gospel of Christ. This is the method false teachers use: You oppose the congregation's supporting and overseeing recreational activities of the young people; so that makes you "anti" recreation for the young people! "They say!"