Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
July 20, 1967

Answering Some Questions

Gene E. Watson

Those who move freely among the congregations of the Lord's people know that from time to time, many questions are raised. Some are easy to answer, others not so easy. It is encouraging to note that brethren in many places are becoming more interested in ways to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many questions are asked as to ways that this can be done and the work be carried out in a scriptural manner. In this article, I will attempt to answer some of those questions.

"We at ________ are few in number (about forty-five), but we see the need of doing all that we can to extend the borders of the Kingdom of God. Over a large area there are two or three other churches about the size of this one. We have thought about asking them to help us in the work of spreading the Gospel, but have hesitated due to the fact that there was some discussion among the brethren here as to how this could be done and the work be kept on a Scriptural basis. This is a rural community and most of the people here have lived here for a long time. There is little chance of converting very many in the community. A young man drives about fifty miles and preaches here one Sunday each month. The rest of the time the men in the congregation do the teaching. We have been having a series of meetings of one week duration each year for the past several years. Would it be best to try to save up enough money to do more work before we start a larger work or should we contact other churches and try to work out a plan with them?"

I will give my answer on the basis of the above information. First, let me commend you for the good work in which you are already engaged. Every young man needs experience in teaching the Word. You are giving the young man an opportunity to develop himself that he may be even more useful in the days that lie ahead. Continue to encourage him and the men among your number. Far too many churches are failing in this respect. We fail to encourage and train our young men and then we cry "preacher shortage." Why is there a shortage? Because others are guilty of doing the same thing that we have done--they have depended on someone else. Our young people should be well grounded in the truth. Then wherever they go they will carry the Gospel with them. II Timothy 2:2. I also want to commend you for discussing a plan before setting one in motion. In far too many places, brethren have failed to search the Scriptures before committing themselves to someone's plan or idea. The Scriptures furnish us completely unto every good work (II Tim. 3:16-17) and give us all things that pertain unto life and godliness. II Pet. 1:3.

Now directly to your questions. It is necessary and proper to plan ahead in any work if it is to be successful. We do not build towers or houses without first counting the cost. Luke 14:28-30. Paul instructed the brethren in Galatia and other places well in advance, concerning the collection for the poor saints at Jerusalem. I Cor. 16:1-3; II Con 8:10. The brethren at Antioch were informed well in advance of the need of the brethren of Judea. Acts 11:27-30. The Lord seemed to think that people could give regularly over a period of time, better than they could give a large amount all at once.. By all means, contact other congregations that you feel would be interested in the work. Scriptural examples of this can be found in II Cor. 8:16-24. Paul told the Corinthians in another place that he "robbed other churches, taking wages of them, to do you service." II Cor. 11:8. The brethren at Philippi had been faithful to supply his needs through the years. Phil. 1:4-6. When we study the New Testament there are several things found that ought to be pointed out in this connection. (1) Brethren knew what they were giving for, before they gave. Acts 11:27-30; I Cor. 16:1-2. (2) When supporting the preaching of the Gospel, they sent their support directly to the worker in the field. Phil. 4: 15-18; II Cor. 11:9. (3) They were careful to provide things honest in the sight of all men. Rom. 12:17; I Cor. 16:3-4; II Cor. 8:21-22. (4) After having been instructed by inspired men, each group made its decisions. One church did not try to manage the affairs of another. Acts 11:29; Rom. 15:25-27.

Men who fear God and love his truth can work with each other in spreading that truth. Our next question concerns this type of work, but it must wait for a future article.