Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
June 30, 1966

Florida College

F. Y. T.

We call attention to the full page announcement of Florida College appearing in this issue. We are happy to carry this advertisement; and are glad to commend the fine work being done at this school in Florida. Christian parents can strengthen and buttress the faith they have sought to implant in the hearts of their children by putting those same young people under the guidance and instruction of consecrated Christian men and women when they go off to college. All too often, the faith the young Christian has is under subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) attack in the halls and class-rooms of state and other institutions. Many students are ill equipped to deal with these attacks, and come home from the state schools with their faith weakened, if not destroyed. A school like Florida College can serve a truly worthwhile purpose in giving college instruction to young people under the tutelage of Christians rather than atheists, of devout and righteous men rather than cynical and contemptuous sneerers at morality. If you want to provide the very best for your child in educating both the head and the heart, then investigate the possibilities at Florida College.

F. Y. T.

Cogdill - Woods Debate

There can be little question that the most comprehensive and definitive study of the issues now dividing the church is to be found in the "Cogdill-Woods Debate". This historic discussion was conducted in Birmingham, Alabama, nearly a decade ago, and the printed versions of it (published both by the Gospel Advocate Company and the Gospel Guardian Company) have been circulated by the thousands. Roy E. Cogdill representing the traditional and conservative point of view of the Churches of Christ set forth in clear and forceful fashion the basic principles of "Bible authority", and showed how they applied in such matters as the orphan homes (benevolence societies) and centralized evangelistic endeavors (such as Herald of Truth). Guy N. Woods presented the arguments usually employed by those who in recent years have sought to "restructure" the Church of Christ and bring it more into harmony with more modernistic and denominational concepts. By all odds, this was "the" debate on current issues. It presents each point of view in the most comprehensive and understandable way. No serious student of the Bible or of the modern church will want to be without this volume.

For the last month (and extending through July 15) the Gospel Guardian has been offering this classic work at one-half price (S1.50). The response has been so favorable, and the interest shown so great that we are going to put this price on as a continuing feature in quantity lots. That is, after July 15 the book will revert to its regular price ($3.00) per single copy; but when ordered in lots of ten or more the price will be $1.50 each.

It has been suggested to us that many churches might want to study the book in some special class, carefully outlining the developing the arguments presented by both speakers, and then studying, verse by verse, the scriptures cited by each of the brethren in defense of the position he advocated. We believe this to be a highly commendable and worthwhile endeavor, and would like to encourage it in every way possible. An informed membership is truly the best and surest safeguard any congregation can have against apostasy and error. And what better way to prepare a congregation than by a study in depth of the very best arguments advanced by able brethren with opposing convictions? The "Cogdill-Woods Debate" is well printed, sturdily bound, and is a book which will be studied and analyzed by generations yet to come. The honest searcher after truth (insofar as current issues are concerned) will find this book to be an invaluable help in arriving at an understanding of "what it is all about." Any adult class (and especially any training class) could use the book to tremendous advantage. And the extremely low price ($1.50 each in lots of ten or more) ought to put this well within the reach of any congregation desiring to have such to study.