News & Notes
Claude C. Truex, 176 B Street, Brawley, California 92227: "After spending a very pleasant four and one half years with the faithful brethren who meet at 598 Clark Ave., Orcutt, California, I began working with the Lord's church in Brawley, California, in November, 1965. In the year and three months that I have been at Second and B Streets, we have had two gospel meetings, with brother Lloyd Moyer of Newark, California, and brother Jack Freeman of North Las Vegas, Nevada, doing the preaching. A third meeting is scheduled for January, 1968, with brother Roy Cogdill.
We at Second and B Streets and the faithful brethren in Montebelle, California, are fully supporting Andres' Gutierrez, a gospel preacher in Mexicali, Mexico. The good brethren here are sound in the faith, and my labor with them has been very pleasant. When in our area, plan to worship with us."
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R. D. Simmons' Victoria, Texas; "On Sunday, November 20, 1966, we baptized into Christ four of the six children of Henry and Pat Shepperd. (The other two are too young at present to obey the gospel.) This was a very happy occasion, especially for brother and sister Shepperd. Many tears of joy were shed because of the decision of these boys and one girl in the one family obeying the gospel at the same time. During the month we also baptized three others. We do hope and pray that all these new converts will grow in grace and knowledge; and that their lifetime will be fruitful of much and lasting good. Brother Elmer Moore of Highlands, Texas, will assist us in a meeting, February 27th-March 3rd."
W. R. Jones of Lake Jackson, Texas, will assist the Southside church in Pasadena, Texas, in a gospel effort, April 17-23. Robert Goodman is the local preacher.
Charles Morton, preacher for the Poplar Street church, Cleburne, Texas, announces a meeting for March 20-26 with Oliver Murray of Lufkin, Texas, doing the preaching.
John Beebe of Tucson, Arizona, will do the preaching in a gospel meeting in McMinnville, Oregon, March 19-26.
Harry Pickup, Sr. of Tampa, Florida, will assist the Pine Hills church, Orlando, Florida, in a series of meetings, April 9-15, where Jere Frost is the local preacher.
W. L. Wharton of San Antonio, Texas, will be with the Rose Hill church, Columbus, Ga. , in a gospel effort, April 16-23.
James Needham, preacher for Expressway, Louisville, Kentucky, announces a meeting for April 3-9, with Luther Blackmon doing the preaching.
Darrel Starling, preacher for the South Flores St. church, San Antonio, Texas, announces the following meeting with the speakers and subjects:
April 24th---Leon Odom---"The Value of the Bible"
April 25th----Bill Reeves "Prodigal Stewards"
April 26th Harold Trimble----"Freemasonary"
April 27th---Marshall Davis---"Christian Warfare"
April 28th--Wayne Partain- -"Subjection to Authority" April 29th---Robert Farish--"If Christ Had Not Been Raised"
April 30th---Stanley Lovett---"Can That Faith Save Him?"
Ferrel Jenkins will assist the North Park church in Abilene, Texas, in a gospel meeting, March 27-April 2. Arvid McGuire preaches for North Park.
Ronald Mosby of Louisville, Kentucky, will be with the Walnut Street church in Greenville, Texas, in a gospel effort, April 24-30, where Ward Hogland is the local preacher.
Radio Broadcast
A radio program may be heard each Sunday morning at 7:30 over KSEO, 750 KILO, Durant, Oklahoma. Charles Vining is the speaker. The program is called "0 To Be Like Thee" and is sponsored by the Vining Mfg. Co.
Support Needed
Flavil F. Wallace, 4193 Baldwin, Pontiac, Michigan 48055: "We are writing that you may in some way be able to assist us in our effort, to raise support for J. B. Grinstead of Columbus, Ohio, who is interested in locating here if financial aid can be secured. We are a small congregation of twenty-five members who have been meeting together since May of 1962. We purchased a lot which has a small building on it and this building was used until it was condemned by the Building Inspector as a Public Meeting place. As a result of this we were forced to build, and a building 30' x 50' was erected with a seating capacity of 125, six class rooms and a study.
The Gingellville congregation is the only sound congregation in Pontiac, the nearest being about forty miles, and within a radius of some one hundred and fifty miles there are only six with a total membership of about two hundred. Of the six, only two have located preachers. This same area has many large liberal congregations which number hundreds of members.
If only a few congregations can come to our assistance with a small amount each month, brother Grinstead can take up the work here and I'm sure the cause of the Lord will grow. We can contribute a small amount now of the support but we feel that within a short time we will be able to completely support the work here and be able to assist others who stand in need as we do now."
Recently one has been baptized at Tenth and Francis, Oklahoma City... One was baptized recently at Zion, Ill., The last Sunday in January one was baptized at the Fairview church, Garden Grove, California.... One was baptized the last Sunday in January at Spring and Blaine, St. Louis, Mo., Six were baptized during January at the church in Ellettsville, Indiana The last of January one was added to the Lord at the Orange Ave. church, Anaheim, California... One was baptized during January at Arlington, Texas... On Feb. 12th one was baptized at Hobart, Indiana... Two were baptized recently at Moundsville, West Virginia... On Feb. 9th one was baptized at Griffith, Indiana... The last Lord's day in February one was baptized at Vidor, Texas. One was recently immersed into Christ at Floral Heights, Wichita Falls, Texas... On February 9th one was baptized at the Westside church, Irving, Texas....During a recent meeting at West Columbia, Texas, eight were baptized.