Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 6, 1967

Signs Of The Time

Lloyd Moyer

There are certain signs in our times which ought to open the eyes of all honest, sincere brethren to the fact that modernism and digression has made deep inroads into the thinking of the masses of the members of the church. I realize that anyone who points out things that are wrong shall suffer the stigma of "anti", "trouble-maker", "do-nothing fault-finder", "church-splitter" and many other such epithets. However, I shall just have to suffer these prejudicial and slanderous remarks made by those who would deceive, I cannot but bring to the attention of my brethren those things which are practiced that are contrary to the word of Almighty God. Here are some signs which I have observed.

Signs Of Fear

Fear is a terrible thing. It is used by dictators to gain and maintain power. They use every available means to produce this fear in the masses; and thereby attain their goals. I see signs of fear manifested among brethren today that is truly a pitiable thing. Many brethren are so fearful of being marked as factious that they will not raise their voice in protest against any sinful practice. Many preachers are afraid to speak their true feelings and convictions about churches supporting HUMAN SOCIETIES to do the work of the Lord. I mean by the above, churches taking money from their treasuries and building and maintaining such benevolent institutions as "Widow's Home", "Orphan Homes", and "Old Folk Homes"; such educational institutions as "Christian Colleges", and such missionary institutions as "The Gospel Press", Yes, there are many preachers who know that there is NO authority in the scriptures for the church to support these things. However, because of a well-organized campaign of intimidation, deception, quarantine, economic boycott, and social ostracism, many will NOT speak out on these "issues". Most of these brethren try to convince themselves that they are following the right course in keeping quiet, yet, I am persuaded that deep down within themselves they KNOW the REAL reason is that they FEAR "hierarchical retribution". A classic example of this is the case of Brother Reuel Lemmons, Editor of the Firm Foundation. A few years ago he spoke out against orphan homes "not under elders" and opposed them as un-scriptural. It was then that he began to feel the pressure of the "combines" within the brotherhood. Certain schools, churches and Editors exerted such pressure that Brother Lemmons saw fit to REVERSE his position while attending the "Lectureship" at Freed-Hardeman College. Then FIVE brethren ran an article in the Gospel Advocate stating that Brother Lemmons accepted ALL orphan homes. He did NOT DARE cross these mighty ones in the church. It would have meant his ruination. He would NOT be called for meetings, nor to speak on lecture programs. Of course, he knew that many subscriptions to the Firm Foundation would be canceled should he cross swords with these "combines". Thus his fear led him to renounce the true position of these matters and to stultify his conscience: and will cause him to be eternally lost unless he musters enough courage to stand again for the truth.

Schools and papers threaten to not recommend those preachers who oppose these pet projects. They will be branded as "anti". Digressive preachers and elders condemn them as "trouble-makers". All this means that they will have a limited field of opportunity and their influence will be curtailed and financial status jeopardized. Add to this the fact that the preacher and his family will be avoided as though they had "the plague" by life-long friends and brethren, yea, even by relatives: and you begin to see the mighty influence this campaign, initiated by modernistic and liberalistic brethren, can exert.

God, knowing that such circumstances would arise, inspired Paul to say, "I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry". (2 Tim. 4:1-5) Every preacher will face this statement in judgment. To do the work of an evangelist one MUST preach the word regardless of what man may think, say or do. I often wonder how it is possible for a preacher to know this and even quote this passage; yet, be guilty of scratching the itching ears of faithless brethren who will NOT have the truth preached, Jesus said, "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul..." (Matt. 10: 28) The Holy Spirit speaks on this wise, "And in nothing terrified by your adversaries..." (Phil. 1:28)

The fact that the world scorns a coward is manifest in that one who deserts in time of battle may be put to death. I can understand how one might become terrified in physical battle and turn away from the fight. But I cannot understand how those who are waging the spiritual battle under the "Captain of our salvation can become afraid. So long as we preach and practice the TRUTH we have the assurance that BOTH God and Christ are with us. (2 John 9) Knowing that God and Christ are with me as I wield the "sword of the Spirit"; I cannot fear any man or group of men. (Psalms 23:4)