Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 22, 1966
NUMBER 33, PAGE 4-5a

No Paper Next Week


Under the terms of our mailing permit we issue no Gospel Guardian the first week in July and the last week in December. So do not fear that you have missed an issue when you receive no Gospel Guardian next week. We will be back with you the following week as usual; and your next paper will be dated January 5, 1967.

Looking Ahead - New Writers

It is with a great deal of pleasure that we announce the addition of a number of writers to our roster of those faithful brethren who regularly contribute material to the Gospel Guardian. It is our aim constantly to move forward and provide for our readers the very best possible fare so far as Christian journalism is concerned. Some of these men who now join us as regular writers are familiar to you; perhaps some are not. But beginning with our next issue, here are some of the men whose articles you will be reading:

FLOYD THOMPSON of Santa Ana, California, has agreed to become our "Query Editor," and to respond from time to time to the questions which are sent in to our office. Many of our readers know him already, and appreciate his great ability as a careful student of God's word. Do not expect any lengthy, verbose dissertations from this man. He gets to the point of what he has to say, says it, and stops. We wrote him a lengthy letter outlining what we considered the possibilities (and responsibilities) of a "Query Editor", and asked if he were willing to accept the job. In reply we got a post-card with three words on it, "I will try," and "Prov. 29:5."

FORREST D. MOYER of Bellflower, California, is no stranger to our pages, having contributed much good teaching material from time to time through the years. He is one of the well known "Moyer boys" of California, and his elder brother, Lloyd, once remarked to us, "Forrest has more brains than Otis and me put together." Making all due allowance for the prideful enthusiasm he might feel in "little brother's" ability, and omitting the hyperbolic comparison, we share his deep respect for Forrest Moyer's stature as a student and writer. You may expect the very best from this man.

DAVID EDWIN HARRELL of Norman, Oklahoma is a history teacher at the University of Oklahoma. But above and before that he is a truly dedicated and superbly equipped gospel preacher. He has recently published the first in a trilogy of books of the development of "The Restoration Movement" in American history. This book, "The Quest for a Christian America," was a condensation of his doctoral thesis, and is a penetrating analysis of the factors (particularly the sociological aspects) contributing to the work of the Campbell's and their contemporaries.

ROBERT F. TURNER of Burnet, Texas, is already well and favorably known to our readers. With an extremely facile pen he writes on a wide range of subjects, and writes with insight and "readability." We feel fortunate, indeed, to have his promise to write regularly for our pages. The fine articles we have published from his pen in the past have usually been published first in his local church bulletin; we intend to continue this practice, but, in addition to that, Brother Turner will be sending in some "exclusives" for the Gospel Guardian. You will enjoy them.

JERE FROST of Orlando, Florida, is from a well known family of gospel preachers, being the son of Jack Frost, Sr., and brother to Gene and Jack, Jr. We receive a huge number of church bulletins, and take time out to scan them --- and read the ones that intrigue our interest. We have consistently read the writings of Jere Frost, and have found them of the very highest quality. This judgment has not been unique on our part, for we have over and over again seen his articles being lifted to be printed in other church papers. This man is original, readable, and balanced. His stature as a writer will increase with the passing years. He is truly in the forefront of those to whom faithful Christians will look in future years for the best in gospel journalism.

SEWELL HALL of Athens, Alabama, has promised to write regularly for us --- and particularly (although certainly not exclusively) in the field of evangelism. Having been in Nigeria as a gospel preacher on two separate tours, and having traveled to Japan, the Philippines, and Australia, on an extended preaching tour last summer, Brother Hall has a first-hand knowledge of the many problems, and the magnificent opportunities, faced by the dedicated Christian who determines to preach the gospel of Christ in some foreign field. He has already begun his work for us, and his articles have been appearing on our pages for some months now. They will increase in number through 1967.

These six new men will add considerably to the impact of this journal. All of them are younger than this editor; they bring freshness and vitality to our pages. Ours is an exciting and challenging age; Christianity is under attack from every point of the compass; customs and traditions of longstanding are being scrapped by our society, and along with those customs much of our basic morality is going to the scrap pile. These fresh new voices from our pages will be dealing with these things long alter this editor and his original helpers are sleeping in the dust. Looking back to the first issues of the weekly Gospel Guardian, nearly eighteen years ago, we see the Editorial Staff consisted of Fanning Yater Tant, Foy E. Wallace, Jr.; Cled E . Wallace; R. L. Whiteside; and Roy Cogdill. Of that original quintet, Brother Whiteside and Brother Cled Wallace have already answered the last call; Brother Foy Wallace has made ship-wreck of the faith; and only Brother Cogdill and this writer remain active with the paper. While we are both still "sound of wind and limb" neither of us is immune to Father Time; we, too, will yield to the passing years as the swift seasons roll. But the Gospel Guardian will continue --- and will continue to fight valiantly for "the faith once delivered." She is dedicated, as from the first issue ever to roll from the presses, "to the propagation and defense of New Testament Christianity."

And now, a word to our great host of loyal friends and helpers. Many hundreds will read this issue who have been with us from the very first. We cherish the faith and confidence of these devoted Christians. And now we ask your help. There is little value in having the finest magazine that human wisdom and ingenuity could devise if it has no readers. It is not what is written that counts

but what is read and retained. We solicit your help in extending the circulation of the Gospel Guardian. You can do this in three ways: (1) Subscribing (or renewing) for yourself and sending as many "gift subscriptions" to others as you feel you can afford; (2) showing the paper to others, and getting up a club of subscribers; and (3) bringing to the attention of the elders of the church where you worship the great value of a conservative gospel journal going to every family in the congregation! Call to their attention our special offer on "Congregational Subscriptions" by which we send the paper to thirty families for only $5.00 per month.

We extend to each of you our very best wishes for a happy and productive New Year, and look forward with keen delight to our weekly visits in your home through 1967.

Fanning Yater Tant