Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 15, 1966

Notes & News

Clyde O. Moore 2706 Paul Lufkin, Texas,


A debate will be conducted in Blue Ball, Penn. (about thirteen miles from Lancaster) December 12-14. The discussion will be conducted in the Blue Ball Fire auditorium. The time of the service will be 7:30 pm. Carrol Sutton of Albertville, Alabama, will affirm the first two nights that there are three persons in the Godhead. Elder Paul Faithful of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, will deny. Elder Faithful will affirm the last night that there is only one person in the Godhead, namely, Jesus Christ.

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We have just completed arrangements for a debate between brother Ronald Mosby of Valley Station, Kentucky, and brother W. L. Totty of Indianapolis, Indiana, to be held here in Frankfort, Kentucky, December 12-13, 15-16, 1966. The topics to be discussed are: Who may receive benevolent assistance from the church treasury, and, making contributions to benevolent institutions from the church treasury. The discussion will be conducted in the meeting house of the Frankfort church, located on U.S.60, on the west side of Frankfort. The time will be 7:30 each evening. This announcement was submitted by Frank D. Butler.

Departed--Eva Ballard

With sadness of heart and tear filled eyes I write this notice of the death of my beloved wife, Eva, on October 22, 1966. However, I write with a deep consolation and a peace that passeth understanding, because Eva was a faithful Christian. Eva was stricken with cancer in August of 1964. An operation at that time seemed to be successful and for over a year we had hopes of a complete recovery. However, last March, the doctor told me the cancer had spread to her liver, spine, hips and shoulders and that there was no cure. Four of the best doctors in this area did everything known to medical science, but they could not whip it. Funeral services were conducted by brother Olen Holderby of Merced, California, and brother Pat Broaddus of Alameda, California, on Tuesday, Oct. 25th, after which Eva's earthly remains were gently laid to rest in beautiful Memory Garden's Cemetery in Concord, California, to await the resurrection unto eternal life. Eva was born May 3, 1922. I baptized her into Christ when she was fifteen years old. We had been married 29 years on the 13th of last September. Beautiful floral offerings came from several different states, and expressions of sympathy from friends and brethren in the Lord have been many, and make the load less heavy. I have been preaching the gospel for 30 years, and I am glad that Eva was with me during 29 of these years.

Voyd N. Ballard 170 Pine Street

Concord, California

Preachers Move

After seven years with the Brown Street church in Akron, Ohio, Cecil Willis has moved to work with the brethren in Marion, Indiana.

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Ferrel Jenkins has moved from Indianapolis, Indiana, where he worked with the Emerson, Ave. church, to Akron, Ohio, where he will work with the Brown Street church.

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Bill Echols has moved from Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, to Berea, Ohio, to work with the brethren there in a spreading of the gospel of Christ.

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H. Osby Weaver has moved from Tucson, Arizona, and is now preaching for the Tustin Ave. church, in Orange, California. His address is: 1526 E. Avalon, Santa Ana, California 92701.

Curtis Flatt, after six years with the College View church in Florence, Alabama, has moved to Birmingham, Alabama, to work with the Bellview Heights church. His new address is: 1349 45th Street, West, Birmingham, Alabama 35208.


Two were baptized Oct. 22nd at Spring and Blaine, St. Louis, Mo....During a recent meeting in Greggton, Texas, there were 15 baptisms.... Thirteen have been baptized at Clovis, California, this year.... On November 13th two were baptized at Expressway, Louisville, Kentucky.... In recent weeks five have been baptized at the Manslick Road church, Louisville, Kentucky.... Recently four were baptized at Valley Station, Kentucky..... One was baptized recently at Palmetto, Florida....One was baptized during a recent meeting at the Holden Heights church, Orlando, Florida.