Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 24, 1966

Pure Religion?

Larry Devore

The following items were noted in Boles Home News, Vol. 23, nos. 13,15. "The Campbell Soup Company of Paris, Texas, called us to offer a very large contribution of foods processed in the Paris plant, and we immediately dispatched trucks to haul hundreds of cases of food to Boles Home. Such a generous gift indicates not only the esteem

etc. etc." "The American Foods, Inc. of Dallas, donated 104 cases of biscuits to Boles Home in the week of July 25. This comprised 24,960 biscuits for our large family at Boles Home.---- We certainly are grateful----- etc., etc."

Now we all realize that it is perfectly good and proper for these companies to do this, and we might be thankful for their philanthropic activities. But our institutional brethren have been stomping, hollering, and yelling for years that the churches cannot practice "pure religion and undefiled" Jas. 1:27, unless they send a monthly contribution to one of "our" homes, and now at last they have shown us the light. Our "on the march" brethren have shown us, that what faithful Christians, and churches of our Lord cannot do, can be done with 24,960 biscuits. Need we say more? The only thing that will top that would be 24,961 biscuits.

-217 Hunt Ave. Charleston, W. Va. 25302