Special Issue - Nov. 17
The "preacher shortage" among faithful disciples is not only critical; it is becoming desperate. Floyd Thompson, who has preached thirty years in Santa Ana, California, has given a keen analysis of ONE cause for this alarming condition and suggests a remedy, We deem his treatment so significant that we are devoting almost the entire issue of November 17 to Brother Thompson's article. We are appreciably increasing our press run of this issue and we urge congregations to purchase them in quantity lots for distribution among the members. Quantity prices on this "Special Issue" are 100 for $5.00; fifty for $3.00; twenty-five for $2.00. Order a supply TODAY. This article will be an "eye-opener" for many!
F. Y. T.
Whatever Became Of Family Worship?
Remember when the whole family used to gather together after the evening meal, read a chapter in the Bible, and then the father would lead the group in prayer? No, you probably don't remember that,. Because that is an aspect of American life which was going out of style before most of the readers of this journal were born. The increasing pressures of a hurried and harried society made it all but impossible that the average family could find any single hour of the day when they could count on all the members being there.
And as family worship gradually faded out of the picture, so did ALL worship except Sunday morning and evening, with mid-week meetings for the more devout. Little by little, religion began to be de-emphasized in our American culture. More and more, secularism took over. It was not that people really became atheistic (not in a theoretical sense, at least), they simply did not have time for God. Pressures of business, school, social events, sporting events, a wide range of recreational activities, and then finally radio, the movies, and television----God simply got shoved aside for other and more urgent considerations!
As this happened, the old, old story of pagan depravity began once again to unfold in America, just as it had so many centuries ago in those far off heathen lands of which Paul wrote, "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed beasts and creeping things. Wherefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts unto uncleanness, that their bodies should be dishonored among themselves: for that they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever." (Rom. 1:22-25)
There is no substitute for the word of God! When men neglect that word, no matter how much "good works" they try to crowd into their lives, spiritual deterioration sets in. And as family worship, emphasizing Bible reading, has slowly faded from the American scene, it is absolutely imperative that faithful Christians find some way, on an individual basis, to open their hearts and minds to a continued and continuing reception of Divine truth. Some people have developed the habit of reading the Bible, at least one chapter of it, every day. This is an excellent habit: and one we would wish to encourage. But there is a better practice than that
and that is meditation. God's blessings are pronounced upon the man whose "delight is in the law of Jehovah; And on his law cloth he meditate day and night."
It is forever true, as true in 1966 as it was when Solomon penned the words by inspiration, that as a man "thinketh in his heart, so is he." (Prov. 23:7). It is impossible to saturate the mind, day after day, month after month, year after year, with thoughts of earthly things, materialistic, secular, "this worldly" things, and develop a spiritual life. Man simply is not made like that. That which fills his mind during waking hours, and which he dreams about by night (probably in symbols), is the thing that will find expression in his life. It is IMPOSSIBLE that it should be otherwise!
This gives us unbelievable power in shaping our own lives and controlling our own eternal destiny. For we have absolute control as to the thoughts our minds receive and dwell upon. "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue; and if there be any praise, think on these things." (Phil. 4:8).
Do you want your children to grow up with their minds and lives turned toward spiritual and eternal things? Then see to it that they have the same kind of training Timothy had in his formative years. Paul reminded this young gospel preacher that "from a babe thou halt known the sacred writings."
Once again, we call attention to our "Planned Program of Absorption Learning" (see advertisement elsewhere in this issue), and urge parents to give most earnest and prayerful study to this amazing new technique which is not new at all, but simply a modern adaptation of the old, old Hebrew and early Christian methods of teaching their children. What a truly effective plan this would be to combine this "spaced repetition" Bible learning with family worship!
What are YOU doing for your own spiritual culture, and for that of your family? Every day that passes is a day forever lost; you cannot reclaim it. All the opportunities it carried are beyond your reach forever. Do not let a single other day pass. Begin now a consistent, sustained, and effective program of Bible study and meditation. Not only your own soul, but the souls of those you love may well depend on your attitude toward this basic matter. If God's word is to rule your life, it MUST, in one way or another, find lodgment first in your heart.
F. Y. T.