Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
September 8, 1966

Reasons Why I Ought To Be A Christian

Homer Hailey

There is a great need for people realizing the necessity of taking a definite stand for Christianity. And in choosing for Christianity, they must choose calmly, deliberately; becoming a Christian cannot be accidental, nor emotional - Heb. 11:24-27.

We should be Christians:

I. Because of the honor due to God.

1. God our Creator, has given us being - Heb. 12:9, Acts 17:28, 29.

2. Has revealed himself in Jesus Christ - Jno. 1: 14-18, Col. 2:9; in becoming a Christian we become like God = Col. 3:9-10, Eph. 4:20-24 3. In becoming like God we bear the fruit of God, thereby glorifying God, Jno. 15:8; but can only bear fruit in Christ. Jno. 15:1-7

4. We can only give God the glory in the church, Eph.3:20, Col. 1:18 II. Because of the value of our souls.

1. One soul of more value than the whole world, Mt. 16:25, 26 I Jno. 2:1.

2. God's evaluation of the soul indicated by the price he paid to redeem it - Mt. 26:28. It cost as much to save one as to save the whole world III. Because of the responsibility we owe our families

1. God has ordered parents to bring up their children in the right way, Eph. 6:1-4. This cannot be done without setting the right example.

2. How can parents expect children to honor and obey them when they themselves do not honor and obey God?

IV. Because of our influence in the community 1. Every individual is a part of society - Rom. 14:7

2. All that is good in the world is a result of Christianity, as. 1:16,17 3. Therefore, to make the community better we ought to become and live, Christians - I Cor. 5:8.

V. Because we must be Christians in order to get to heaven.

1. Without Christ we are lost - Jno. 3:17-19, 14: 6, 10:1,9 2. We cannot work out our scheme of salvation -must accept God's way - Prov.14:12, Matt. 7: 13, Luke 6:47, Mat.7:24-27. Two houses, looking exactly alike, stand or fall in the time of storm according to the foundation on which they are built.

3. Illustrations of this principle:

a. - Nicodemus, Jno. 3:1-7, a good man, morally, physically, religiously, and mentally - but he must be born again.

b. - Ethiopian nobleman, Acts 8, had been 800 miles to worship, read his Bible, a good man -- but not a Christian.

c. - Cornelius, Acts 10,11. His life a challenge morally to any Christian. But he needed to be saved (11:14). He had to become a Christian.

d. - Lydia, Acts 16. religious, hospitable, diligent about her business -- but not a Christian.


With such reasons as these before us how can we refuse to become Christians? With all to gain and nothing to lose, why should not all men turn to Christ.

-Tampa, Florida