Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
September 8, 1966
NUMBER 18, PAGE 10b-11a

A Fresh Breath

Donald P. Ames

Preachers probably get as tired preaching on the subject of the lack of modesty in present society as some no doubt get tired of hearing it. In fact, to some it might even begin to sound as if we are obsessed with the subject. However, where the evils of society are so prevalent, we must not slack off lest others be carried away with such evils.

With the development of the "topless," I have sometimes wondered just how far society would go before it would make itself sick enough to start the pendulum back the other way. During the past month, at the local bank where I am also employed we saw the trend at work. A few of the girls began working on the limits to see how far they could go and not receive adverse criticism. They began with loose-necked dresses and then graduated to shoe-stringed strapped sun-dresses. Despite some pointed remarks by some of us, the trend continued and was ignored by the officers. Finally, getting enough rope, they hung themselves, as one boldly showed up at the bank for work in a sunsuit with about four inches of bare belly hanging out in the middle. This time even the officers decided enough was enough, and clear terms were laid down for future attire.

Ridiculous, did you say? Any girl working in public, and especially in a bank, should know better. I agree! And any Christian with respect for the word of God should certainly know better than to so portray her body for the lascivious looks of others also. Paul said, "proper clothing, modestly and discreetly" (I Tim 2:9--New ASV). The wearing of modern swim suits, shorts, transparent blouses, etc. are not "proper, modestly and discreetly" and to sincere Christians interested in dressing as God's word directs, it is "ridiculous" a Christian would even want to so attire herself. Doesn't she have any sense of modesty and shame? And what is modesty? Well, if you would be embarrassed for the preacher or elders to observe you in such attire, you might be on the way toward finding out. I believe most of us know the answer though if we were really honest with ourselves.

But maybe hope is on the way — or at least a fresh breath of air has come forth. I see by the Chicago Tribune, July 19th, that the manager of the Nashville theater was arrested for showing the movie of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" on the basis it was "indecent and vulgar, even for adults." (And what else was he expecting, we might also ask?) Also Italy has entered the picture of Gina Lollobrigida and another Italian actress were facing court charges of obscenity for their roles in recent movies. Who knows, maybe the movies have finally had enough rope and others are beginning to get their fill too. And maybe others are having the courage to speak a bit more loudly also. At least all have not bowed the knee to Baal.

-57 Long Beach Rd. Aurora, Ill. 60538