Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
August 25, 1966


Clyde O. Moore - 2706 Paul Avenue - Lufkin, Texas 75901 Debates

A debate will be conducted September 19-20, 22-23. The following propositions will be discussed:

"It is in harmony with the Scriptures for churches of Christ to build and maintain benevolent organizations for the care of the needy, such as the Boles Home, the Tipton Home, and other children's home and homes for the aged among us."

AFFIRM: Wayne Jackson; DENY: W. E. Irvine

"It is contrary to the Scriptures for churches of Christ to build and maintain benevolent organizations for the care of the needy, such as the Boles Home, the Tipton Home, and other children's homes and homes for the aged that are among us. "

AFFIRM: W. E. Irvine; DENY: Wayne Jackson

"It is in harmony with the Scriptures for churches of Christ to contribute funds from their treasuries in support of the Herald of Truth Radio and Television program conducted by the Highland church of Christ, Abilene, Texas, as a means of cooperating in accomplishing the mission of the church of the Lord.

AFFIRM: Wayne Jackson; DENY: W. E. Irvine

"Such an arrangement and cooperative effort on the part of churches of Christ for the preaching of the gospel as the Herald of Truth is without scriptural authority."

AFFIRM: W. E. Irvine; DENY: Wayne Jackson Two nights will be conducted in the Clovis, California building and two will be conducted in the building at 5826 West McKinley, Fresno, California.

A debate has been arranged between Clifton Inman, Editor of the Bible Herald, published in Parkersburg, West Virginia, and Cecil Willis, Editor of Truth Magazine, published in Akron, Ohio. The discussion will be conducted in one of the public school auditoriums in Parkersburg the evening of Sept. 19-20, 22-23, The Marrtown Road church in Parkersburg has invited Brother Inman and Brother Willis to conduct the discussion. Anyone wanting further details concerning the debated may secure further information by writing Hubert Showalter, 805 Marrtown Road, Parkersburg, W. Va. 26102. The first two nights the discussion will concern the sponsoring church type of congregational cooperation, and the Herald of Truth radio and TV program in particular. The last two evenings will be spent discussing the church support of benevolent institutions.


Charles A. Holt, P. O. Box 1565, Lufkin, Texas. 75901. "On Friday evening, July 15, I closed a meeting with the congregation in Corrigan, Texas. One young lady was baptized. The interest and attendance were good. I am now working regularlywith this-fine group of Christians and we are making steady progress. The daily radio program over KRBA here in Lufkin continues (it has been on about two years) with excellent interest and evident good for the Cause of Truth. Jim Everett and Ardie P. Brown, Jr. have recently 'filled in' on this program with fine lessons. The radio program has moved one group of Baptists to debate, and I am scheduled to meet Vernon L. Barr, a well-known Baptist debater, in a debate here in Lufkin in October. I go to Fowlkes, Tennessee, for a meeting the latter part of August. It will be my third meeting there. I edit a quarterly magazine--"SENTINEL OF TRUTH," which is enjoying a large circulation and is finding a warm and receptive response. Sample copies are sent free upon request. It would be a pleasure to send it to all the readers of the Gospel Guardian. Send in your request today."