Clippings, Comments, News
New Creatures
One was baptized May 20th at Huntington Beach, California.
During a recent meeting at Beaver Dam, Kentucky, one was baptized.
Three were baptized the last Sunday in May at Spring and Blaine, St. Louis, Mo.
One was baptized May 24th at Clute, Texas.
One was baptized June 7th at West Ave., San Antonio, Texas.
On the last Sunday in May one was baptized at Park Hill, Ft. Smith, Ark.
Two were baptized the last week in May at Steele, Missouri.
Two were baptized recently at the First St. church, Lawrenceburg, Term.
Two were baptized during May at Glendale, Ark.
Three have been baptized recently at the church in Salem, Oregon.
Five were baptized during a recent meeting at Arch St., Little Rock, Ark.
New Buildings
The church in Salem, Oregon, has recently completed a new building in a new location. The mailing address of the new building is: 3745 Market Street, N. E., Salem, Oregon. Luther Roberts is the preacher for this church.
Late Announcements
..Le Roy E. Posey, preacher for the church in Huntington Beach, California, announces a meeting for June 22-28, with Ken Sterling of Selma, Calif., doing the preaching.
Granville Tyler was with the First Street church, Lawrenceburg, Tenn., July 5-12. Earl Fly is the local preacher.
Homer Hailey of Tampa, Florida, was with Thomas Blvd., Port Arthur, Texas, June 21-28, where J. W. Evans is the local preacher.
News Briefs
A meeting was recently conducted in Dallas, Oregon, with the following speakers: B. L. White, Ben Shropshire, Henry Kirkland, David Bonner, Choice Bryant. Bill Fain, Luther Roberts, and Nolan Wallace. James Rury is the regular preacher.
Would Like To Move
In order to get somewhat closer to his semi-invalid mother, who resides in San Antonio, Texas, Marvin Kelly would like to move from Brawley, California, to work with some congregation in Texas, Oklahoma, or the Southwest. He has been at Brawley for some little time now, and the work there has made much progress. Interested congregations may contact him at 176 B Street, Brawley, California, or phone him at 344-1940.
Preachers To New Locations
Robert C. Welch, 1816 Yale Drive, Louisville, Kentucky: "Beginning June 28, I will be preaching for the Eastland church, Louisville, Kentucky. This is a new church, but growing in a growing section of the city. Will all those who send bulletins please note my change of address. The Southside church (Springfield, Mo.) continues to carry on a good program of work, at home and away. One was baptized last week. Oscar Ellison, who has been here for several years and is an elder of the congregation, has been invited and will preach here after my move."