Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 26, 1964

A Tribute To Courage

Brooks C. Webb

It sometimes seems to the Gospel Preacher, as he labors anxiously week after week, year after year, that little is being accomplished for the real development of the souls of men. Faithful preachers proclaim as powerfully as they are able the truth of God, and yet even after this, and after constant warnings of the wrath to come for those who live after the flesh and sow to the flesh, it seems that the thoughts and intents of men's hearts are only evil continually, as they quicken their pace of inventing to themselves evil things. Discouragement then settles upon the laborer. Then, lo, on the horizon there bursts forth that exceptional ray of light that there are yet "7,000 who have not yet bowed their knee" to the Baal of materialism and conformity to the ways of this world, and his soul is filled with joy and gladness. He then "takes courage and presses on," as the news of the faithfulness of one precious soul means more than words can tell, and he realizes anew that the word will not return unto the Lord void. Such news and encouragement has come our way, and we wish to share the following with you in the hope that such faith and steadfastness may be an encouragement to others to live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world.

The Setting Stephen F. Austin State College is rapidly becoming one of the finest institutions of higher learning in the Southwest. Shortly, the eyes of Texas will look down on none-superior to it, if present trends continue. Presently, there are more than 4,300 students enrolled from across the nation. Cradled among the towering and stately pines of this great East Texas, and nurtured by the cultured city of Nacogdoches, along with its superior academic standards, it has become the "college of the future" for this entire area. Honors received from this school will be recognized throughout the land.

On October 22, 1964, Miss Nancy Standley, the 20 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oran Standley, of 300 Pine St., Nacogdoches, a Senior at SFA, was elected by the student body as Homecoming Queen for 1969. The long homecoming parade will feature her Majesty, and she will reign over the homecoming football game in the afternoon to say nothing of the many other attending honors and activities.

"Her deep convictions, unassuming personality, as well as her vivacious enthusiasm for her school, indicate that the students made a wise choice when they elected this lovely lady to be their Queen.

"When the Fideles asked her to run as their candidate, she said, "I have always wanted to be a duchess.' The school's answer? 'Sorry, Nancy, you will have to settle for queen,"---(The Pine Log, Oct. 30, 1964 - SFA School paper).

The Point

The front page lead article in The Pine Log quoted above continues, "The presentation Ball and the tradition of the Queen leading the first dance created something of a problem for Nancy, who, because of her religious beliefs, does not dance."

Here is a young lady, attractive and popular, and just bestowed upon her by her school-mates is one of the school's highest honors. Now, the Presentation Ball is before her. In the past it has not always been easy, no doubt, to refrain from participating in such matters as the dance, but now approaching is that which perhaps, in the world's view, is to be one of the highlights of her life. What shall she do? What would you do? Would you yield, and say, "Just this once, I will lead the dance?" This young lady from the depth of her faith, her regard for the 'truth of God and respect for the church, and for her parents, boldly says, "I do not feel that I should make an exception." (The Pine Log — page 1).

Our hats are off to Miss Standley, and our genuine gratitude goes out to her tor the encouragement she imparts now to us all. Never let it be said by any other young person, "I must dance, participate in other such matters, if I am to be popular." Never let another Mother become so deceived by Satan that she will say, "I want my daughter to dance because I want her popular." Miss Standley has once again demonstrated that one can remain aloof from such and still gain and maintain the respect, esteem and honors of her fellows. May her tribe increase.

Her church affiliation? We are proud to announce that she is a member, and a very faithful and working member of the Lord's church, Mound and Starr, Nacogdoches, Texas, Where her mother brother" and father also faithful members, and where her father also serves effectively and faithfully as one of our deacons.

(Editor's note: And may I add that she is one of the very best of the 65 students who are enrolled for credit in my Bible Classes at SFA).

Nacogdoches, Texas

— 110 N. Mound

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