Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 19, 1964

Clippings, Comments, News

Clyde O. Moore, 2708 Paul Ave., Lufkin, Texas

New Creatures Two were baptized during the first part of October at Anaheim, California.

One was baptized in Sept. at Highland Blvd., San Antonio, Texas.

During a meeting at Aetna, Tenn., during August two were baptized.

Three were baptized in a October meeting at Plant City, Florida.

One was baptized recently at Spring and Blaine, St. Louis, Mo.

On October 11th one was baptized at Pine Hills, Orlando, Florida.

During a meeting at Hueytown, Ala., four were baptized.

On October 4th three were baptized at Riverside Drive, Nashville, Tenn.


From Nov. 16-22 Joe Scarborough will preach in a meeting at Oak Forest, Houston, Texas, according to Arnold Hardin, the local preacher.

Par Ave. church, Orlando, Florida, will have a meeting Nov. 8-15 with James P. Miller doing the preaching. Mar. shall Patton is the local preacher.

Hoyt Houchen will be with the Maryvale church, Phoenix, Ariz., Nov. 25-Dec. 2. Tom Baker is the local preacher.

Connie Adams, preacher for the Pine Hills church, Orlando, Florida, announces a meeting for Nov. 22-29 with Jere Frost doing the preaching.

Roy Cogdill will be with the Butler, Mo., church in a meeting Nov. 22-29. Billy Moore preaches for this good church.

From Nov. 16-23 Billy Norris will be with the church in Beaufort, S. C. where Conway Skinner is the local preacher.

News Briefs

Conway Skinner, Box 4, Beaufort, S. C. : "There are three military installations in our area, Parris Island Marine Base, A Marine Corps Air Station, and a Naval Hospital. Please inform us of your children or friends who move into this area through such connections. So many fail to attend worship for months, and we will do our best to encourage them to attend if you will but let us know they are in the area. Please write to me at the above address."