Clippings. Comments, News
Meetings This Week
Indianapolis, Ind. — Brooks C. Webb, regular preacher for the Mound and Starr St. church, Nacogdoches, Texas, will speak at the Lafayette Heights church, Indianapolis, Ind., June 2nd-9th.
Louisville, Kentucky — Clinton Hamilton of Tampa, Fla., will speak at the Wendell Ave. church in Louisville, Ky., June 2nd-9th according to an announcement by Frank Jamerson, the local preacher.
Perry, Florida — Cecil Douthitt, preacher for the High Springs, Fla, church, will preach in a meeting at the church in Perry, Fla., which meets at 714 North Calhoun at Julia Drive. The local preacher is John A. Turman.
Brownwood, Texas — The Woodlawn Heights church will have a meeting June 2nd-9th. Robert McDonald of Tyler, Texas, will speak. Jack Kirby is the local preacher.
Birmingham, Alabama — James Cope, preacher for the Diston Ave. church, Tampa, Fla., will speak at the Berney Points church, June 2nd-9th. The building is located 720 17th place, SW. Dennis L. Reed is the local preacher.
Rock Springs, Wyoming — The church which meets at 720 2nd St. will have a meeting June 2nd-9th. C. R. Turnbow, an elder in the Hill Crest church, Carlsbad, New Mexico, will speak. Services each evening at 7:00. John W. Pittmen is the local preacher.
Meridan, Miss. — The 7th and 30th Ave. church in Meridan, Miss., will have a meeting, June 2nd-9th, with Roy Cogdill of Canoga Park, Calif., doing the preaching. A. C. Grider is the local preacher.
Newbern, Tenn. — In connection with the VBS the West Main St. church in Newbern will have a gospel meeting, with a different speaker each night. Following are a list of the speakers and subjects: The dates of the meeting are June 2nd-7th.
Sunday "The Problem of Dancing"...Jesse Kelly, Newbern, Tenn.
Monday "The Problem of Selfishness"...Frank Puckett, Dyersburg, Tenn.
Tuesday "The Problem of Covetousness"...Cleo N. Blue, Steele, Mo.
Wednesday "The Problem of Envy"...Parks Thurman, Newbern, Tenn.
Thursday "The Problem of Lying"...Edgar J. Dye, Blytheville, Ark.
Friday "The Problem of Drinking"...Dudley Ross Spears, Blytheville, Ark.
Debate In Jacksonville, Florida
From June 25th-28th, Charles Holt will engage Roy Deaver in a discussion on benevolence in the Lake Shore and Springfield buildings in Jacksonville. Charles Holt will affirm at Lake Shore the first two nights and Deaver will deny:
"The Scriptures teach that in the field of benevolence (assisting those in physical need) churches are limited or restricted in the use of funds from their treasuries to those who are saints (those who have been baptized into Christ)."
The last two nights will have Roy Deaver affirming in the Springfield building, and Holt denying:
"The Scriptures teach that a church may contribute to Boles Home, Quinlan, Texas."
Arrangements will be made to sleep as many visitors as possible in homes. Reservations will be made for those desiring to stay in motels. Recordings can be made during the day at both buildings. For further information write: Paul Brock, 2121 Blanding Blvd., Jacksonville 10, Florida.
Those Who Have Fallen Asleep
We extend our sympathy to the family of sister F. H. Woodward, mother of brother Robert Paul Woodward and sister Marianna Woodward and foster mother of sister Regie (Janice) Robert. Sister Woodward obeyed the gospel when she was 14 years old and never faltered in her faith and service to her death last week at the age of 84. 70 years of faithful service to her Lord! Sis. Woodward spent her life serving others. She talked to everybody she knew about their soul's salvation. She taught the Bible regularly to the little children who lived around her. She was gentle and loving. She was truly a wonderful person — loved and respected by everyone who knew her. She brought everyone to church that she could get to come with her. She called the preacher to come to her home quite often to talk to someone with whom she had made arrangements. The funeral was conducted by brothers James Needham and Grover Stevens. She was a member at the Expressway church. She will be missed by everyone who knew her.
(This was taken from the Park Blvd. church bulletin, Louisville, Ky.)
Old Copies Of Gospel Guardian Available
If anyone desires any old copies of the Gospel Guardian, I will gladly send them to you for the price of the mailing. I have practically all the past copies back to 1958.
— Olin D. Kern, Box 116, Charlotte, Texas