Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 30, 1964

Catholic Gains Are Alarming

Frank Reeder

In spite of warnings given and evidence given to substantiate the cause for concern, some are not concerned about Catholicism. The Catholics did not get what they wanted in Federal aid to their schools, but they had a more subtle method of teaching their doctrine at our expense. We have heard that they believe in the separation of church and state (of course many of us know better) but now we are paying with tax money their doctrine being taught in public school. In Men and Nations, A World History, by Anatole G. Mazour and John M. Peoples, a text book used in Abilene, Texas, high school (tenth grade) over a picture on page 131 is the following:

"St. Peter, leader of the Apostles and first bishop of the Church at Rome. In this picture he is shown holding the Gospels and the keys to heaven."

On page 133 under the heading, Organization of the Christian Church, we have the following:

"The sacraments were mysteries or miracles through which men could achieve salvation. There were seven sacraments: Baptism, Holy Eucharist, confirmation, penance, marriage, and extreme unction, Only a bishop could administer the sacraments of confirmation, which confirmed the recipient in the Christian faith, and ordination, which admitted members to the priesthood."

On page 134 under Papal Supremacy is the following:

"The belief developed that the churches Founded by the Apostles, especially at Rome, Antioch, and Alexandria, were the most important. The Church at Constantinople had not been founded by an apostle. The Church at Rome, however, had been founded by both Peter and Paul, and Peter had been its first bishop. Since Peter had been head of the Apostles, his successor, the Bishop of Rome, came to be recognized as head of all bishops, the supreme authority of the Christian Church. The Bishop of Rome came to be called the Pope, from the Latin word father."

No, the book did not state that the above was Catholic doctrine, but it was given as a fact of history. What can we do? We may protest loudly. A small protest might backfire on us and let the Catholic gloat about it. We can write our Congressmen, we can protest to our local school authorities.

— 1309 Beech, Abilene, Texas