Clippings, Comments, News
New Creatures
During the last week in September there were five baptisms at the South End church in Louisville, Kentucky, according to Donald Townsley, the local preacher.
William R. Lambert, preacher for the Fultondale, Alabama, church reports four baptisms recently.
The last Sunday in September one was baptized at the Southside church in Midland, Texas, where A. A. McInroe preaches..
During a recent meeting at the Hickory Heights church, Lewisburg, Tennessee, there was one baptism. The preaching was done by Herschel Patton. S. L. Edwards is the local preacher.
Bill Coffman of the Southside church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, reports a baptism the first Sunday in October.
During a recent meeting in Charleston, West Virginia, there were four baptisms. The preaching was done by Oliver Murray, of Lufkin, Texas. Harmon Caldwell is the regular evangelist.
During a recent meeting at Dam B, Texas, there were two baptisms. The meeting was conducted by Jim McDonald of Lufkin, Texas.
Meetings This Week
Butler, Mo. — A. V. Grider of Meridian, Miss., will be with the church in Butler, Mo., lst-8th.
Greencastle, Ind. — Lewis Willis, preacher for the church in Greencastle announces a meeting for Oct. 28th-Nov. 3rd with Cecil Willis of Akron, Ohio, doing the preaching.
Thompkinsville, Kentucky — Ferrel Jenkins will be with the Grandview church, Oct. 27th-Nov. 3rd according to Ross Spears, the local preacher.
Merryville, La. — Oliver Murray will be with the church in Merryville, Oct. 28th-Nov. 1st.
Camden, Ark. — The church which meets at 1107 Washington Street, SW will have a meeting Oct. 28th-Nov. 3rd, with Eugene Britnell doing the preaching. Charles Beaty is the local preacher.
Shepherdsville, Kentucky — Bob Welch of Springfield Mo., will be in Shepherdsville, Oct. 29-Nov. 6th.
Birmingham, Ala. — Leslie Diestelkamp of Aurora, Ill., will preach in a meeting at the North Birmingham church, Oct. 27th-Nov. 3rd.
Detroit, Mich. — Vestal Chaffin will be with the church which meets at Harper Ave. and Eleven Mile Road, Oct. 27th-Nov. 1st.
Preachers To New Locations
Novato, Calif. — O. Max Bradford has moved from Torrance, California, to work with the church in Novato. His mailing address is: 1309 Chase St., Novato, Calif.
News Briefs
Novato, California — "Are you moving to Marin County, California? The church which meets at 807 Grant Street in Novato is the only church in Marin County standing for the "old Paths." When in Marin County visit with us. If you are in the service and being transferred to Hamilton Air Force Base, the church extends a welcome to you. For information call O. Max Bradford, 892-9565.
Victoria, Texas — It is the desire of the brethren at 402 E. North St., Victoria, Texas, to obtain a full time preacher for the work here. We are a small group "earnestly contending for the faith" in all things. Being unable to fully support a man we make inquiry for someone who can obtain additional support — or for a church that would be willing to send wages to a man in this behalf. For additional information contact: Clint Springer, 3610 Greenwood, Victoria, Texas.
Macon, Missouri — Harley E. Amick of 501 Spruce Street will terminate his work with the church in Macon, Dec. 29th. He has decided to offer his library for sale. He will send listings on request. If any church would be interested in his services for meetings or to locate, please contact: Harley E. Amick, 501 Spruce, Macon, Mo.
Announcements Received Late
Beaufort, South Carolina — William R. Lambert will be with the church in Beaufort, Oct. 20th-27th. The building is located at 2101 King Street.