Clippings, Comments, News
New Creatures
A. W. Atkinson, preacher for the Mt. View church, San Bernardino, California, reports two baptisms the last of August.
During a recent meeting at the University Drive church In Portales, New Mexico, there were four baptisms. Hoyt Houchen of Abilene, Texas, did the preaching. Jim Gabbard is the local preacher.
On August 25, two were baptized at the South End church in Louisville, Ky., according to Donald Townley, the local preacher.
Norman Fultz, the preacher for the Preston Road church, Louisville, Ky., reports a baptism on August 25.
The last Wednesday night in August, two were baptized at the North Park church, Abilene, Texas, where Hoyt Houchen is the preacher.
Bill Cavender, preacher of the Greggton church, Longview, Texas, reports a baptism, Sunday, Aug. 25.
A. C. Grider reports seven baptisms during his recent meeting at Palmetto, Florida. Edwin Hayes is the local preacher.
One was recently baptized at the church in Jennings, Florida, according to Kenneth E. Thomas, the local preacher.
W. W. Cassio, preacher for the church in Norwalk, California, reports one baptism the last Sunday in July.
One was baptized August 25, at the Huffman church, Birmingham, Alabama, according to Frank L. Smith, the local preacher.
One was recently baptized at the Riverside Drive church, Nashville, Tennessee, according to Robert Jackson, the local preacher.
B. J. Thomas, preacher for the church in Haynesville, La., reports a baptism on Wednesday, August 21.
W. R. Jones reports two baptisms during his recent meeting at West Columbia, Texas, where Dean Bullock is the preacher.
The last two weeks of August saw seven baptized at the church in Valley Station, Kentucky. Ronald G. Mosby is the local preacher.
Meetings This Week
Aurora, Ill. — The Westside church, Galena Blvd. and Edgelawn Drive, will have a meeting September 26-October 4. Sewell Hall of Birmingham, Alabama, will speak. Leslie Diestelkamp is the local preacher.
Louisville, Kentucky — The South End church will have a meeting, September 22-29, with Ross Saunders of Lebanon, Kentucky, doing the preaching. Donald Townsley is the local preacher.
Bowling Green, Kentucky — A meeting is planned for the week of September 22-29 at the West End church of Christ, Bowling Green, Kentucky, with the following preachers: Ronald Mosby, Dave Bradford, Dorris V. Rader, Grover Stevens, Rufus Clifford, Harris J. Dark, James E. Cooper, and Ferrell Jenkins, the local preacher.
Carrollton, Texas — J. W. Evans of Port Arthur, Texas, will be with the church in Carrollton, Texas, September 22-29. R. L. Box is the local preacher.
Wichita Fall, Texas — The Floral Heights church, 1814 Buchanan, will have a meeting, September 23-30, each week night at 7:30, with Luther Blackmon of Pasadena, Texas, doing the preaching. Joe Scarborough is the local preacher.
San Diego, California — Otis Moyer will be in a meeting with the Seminole Drive church, September 25-October 2. Truett Brown is the local preacher.
Preachers To New Locations Shelbyville, Tennessee — Richard K. Ward has moved from Orangeburg, South Carolina, to Shelbyville, Tennessee, to work with the Shelbyville Mills church. He is originally from Birmingham, Alabama.
San Antonio, Texas — Leon Odom has recently moved from Clute, Texas, to San Antonio to work with the West Avenue church. His mailing address is: 250 Eland Drive, San Antonio, Texas.
New Congregations
Rockford, Illinois — A new church has recently begun meeting in Rockford, Ill., and will be known as the East Rockford church of Christ. On the first service there were forty-five present at the Morning service with forty-four present at the evening service. The contribution was in excess of $84. Gordon J. Pennock of Racine, Wis., preached at the initial service. Until permanent quarters can be acquired services will be held in the Home Saving and Loan Building, State and Longmond, on Sunday morning and in the members' houses at other services.
D. L. Freeman needs support for the work with the church in Merryville, Louisiana. He would like to hear from churches willing to help him in this work. The congregation is small, but sound, and the area needs a sound preacher. Write to 413 McHale, Lufkin, Texas, or call NE 2-2304.
From Gordon Wilson, 458 W. Mitchell Ave., Clovis, California: "About a year and a half ago, I lent the tapes of a debate between John W. Wilson and D. N. Jackson, to a preacher in Tennessee. I have forgotten who borrowed the tapes, but would appreciate having them back. Maybe the one who borrowed them has also forgotten — but this should remind him."
News Briefs
The church in Kirkland, Illinois, will finish the upper part of their meeting house next spring. This church is only seven years old and started with one family. Their attendance exceeds 40 per Sunday and often their contribution exceeds $100 weekly. Herb Braswell is the evangelist.
The church in Valdosta, Georgia, needs a preacher. They need some one who can secure his support or at least part of it. For further information write: Kenneth E. Thomas, Box 228, Jennings, Florida.
Late Announcements The Oak Grove church, located on Highway 41, between Jasper and Jennings, Florida, will have a meeting beginning September 8 and continuing for at least a week. Clarence Burcham, the preacher for the Hessville church, Hammond, Indiana, will do the preaching. Kenneth E. Thomas is the local preacher for this church.