Brainwashing And Bondage
Much has been written about the problems confronting individual Christians and the Church today, and some of the causes leading to these problems. A large portion of the church members want to be like the people round about them, and believe that a so-called "big and progressive program" is a sign that they are "on the march" to greater aims and ends in the sight of God.
In all the history of America there has never been a time when we as a nation, have ever faced a more diabolical and subtle scheme of brainwashing than at this present time. This is true in politics, in our social order, our economic life, education, and religion. The razzle dazzle double talk, lack of integrity, and dishonest propagandizing of the individual, organizations, labor unions, politics, churches, and every phase of the American way of life, by the government and men in high places, are causing a landslide toward delinquency, degeneracy, deterioration, and disaster. Our every source of news, statistics, and observations today reveals this to be true. These leftwing ideologists, morally decadent and brainwashed politicians are using every ruse at their disposal to undermine the ideals and convictions that have made America a great nation. The extolling of human justice, civil rights, equal opportunities, and government promises are all a part of the brainwashing scheme and cover-up for the corruption, waste, degeneracy, and dishonesty in high places; lawlessness is sponsored and condoned as part of the program; backed by the Supreme Court, race is pitted against race; attempts to discredit and warn against rightwing and conservative thinkers is part of their "scare and panic" program. This trend toward leftwing and socialistic thinking with little regard for law and order in society, and opposition toward traditional ideals and patriotism, is known as liberalism. The social, economic, cultural, political, and religious life as we know and have known it, will not too far hence be a thing of the past. Crime, indecency, delinquency, dishonesty, poverty, and sin are rampant and rapidly assuming control of society. The curse that awaits any people without God will be the plight of America. Our threatening enemy from without, known as Communism, to whom we have already partially surrendered, nourished by the leftwingers, will not likely be solely responsible for our down-fall; but our deterioration from with-in through this Communistic protg, liberalism. Through this socialistic influence, slowly but surely, God is being pushed out of the American way of life. "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a curse to any people."
Comparably and similar to the conditions that prevail in our social, economic, and political life those who profess to be religious in America, to a great extent, have become a brainwashed and hoodwinked people. They are extolling a "new God" in their liberalism, accentuating material desires and fleshly aims. Even those who were once in covenant relationship with God, members of the church of Christ, have taken on this new philosophy of "looking good" materially and have gone back under bondage to sin. The word of God is ignored, discredited, and warped to suit their fancy; this so-called "new God," liberalism, has captured their souls. Every conceivable, ruse and plot are used in an effort to justify the ideas of taking liberties with the word of God. Passages of scripture are taken here and there and mis-applied in this great move. These liberal thinkers run to James 1:27, and Galatians 6:10, or to some other passage and say that this means the church and not the individual, or they argue that what the individual does is the church at work, or that a "big program" with zeal and entertainment is needed to meet the demands of the times, and all such foolishness, in an effort to salve their conscience and look like "do gooders" in the eyes of the world. Brainwashing and bondage go hand-in-hand. Those who refuse to walk by faith, and those who are ignorant of God's word are easily brainwashed and brought under bondage to sin.
So, many members of the church of Christ are trying to be like the liberal thinking people round about them. They are no longer willing to listen to "thus saith the Lord," and strive for His commendation, but they have fallen under the spell of liberalism. Taking liberties with the word of God these sponsor, in their beliefs and practice in religion and church work, doctrines completely foreign to God's will; such as colleges, orphans' homes, cows for Korea, kitchens for social gatherings, fellowship halls, summer camps, youth forums, baseball teams, retreats, athletic halls, swimming pools, raffles, centralization programs, etc., etc., etc. Sin in this way has crept in and the followers of this movement have succumbed to various and sundry types of wrong doings. There is a great surge to outlaw truth, honesty, integrity, steadfastness and convictions; and anything that pleases the aesthetic senses and looks good, is bound to be good. God is regarded as an over-indulgent grandfather, and material success and sentimental love provide the door to religious success. According to this new liberal philosophy, it is no longer whom the Lord commends, but whom man commendeth that is approved. Those who stand in opposition to this brainwashed condition are called conservatives, reactionaries, non-progressives, non-doers, antis, and other such terms. Paul, Peter, James and John were antis and therefore qualified to be numbered with these. Like the socialistic liberal and lawless trend in society, the liberals in the church are rebelling against law — God's law.
— 809 N. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills Calif