Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
August 15, 1963
NUMBER 15, PAGE 4,12a

Multiple Subscriptions


We have received quite a number of inquiries in recent months about the cost of "multiple subscriptions" both to the Gospel Guardian and to Truth-In-Love. We are greatly pleased with this interest, of course. and, for the sake of all, want to give once again the subscription rates.

Gospel Guardian

For this sixteen-page weekly, a copy of which you hold in your hand, the subscription rate is: One year for $4.00; two years for $7.00. In clubs of five or more, the yearly rate is $3.00 per subscription. Any individual (or church) wishing to send subscriptions to twenty-five families can do so for $5.00 per month. Some congregations, as a part of their regular teaching program, have adopted the policy of sending the Gospel Guardian to every family in the church in much the same spirit as they provide Bible School literature for each student in the classes.


At the end of each month we select what we consider the five or six best articles on "first principles" which have appeared that month in the Gospel Guardian and publish them in a specially designed eight-page journal called "Truth-In-Love." This paper is distributed by both individuals and churches to "non-members" of the body. Subscription rates for "Truth-In-Love" are: One year for $1.00; in bundle lots 100 for $5.00.

There is still another rate for "Truth-In-Love" which involves our mailing out the papers individually to addresses supplied us by the church (or individual) desiring to send this highly effective "first-principle" teaching material into the homes of non-Christians. Under this plan, you supply us the names and addresses of all for whom you wish to subscribe, and we mail the copies out each month to these names. The monthly cost under this individual mailing plan is $8.50 per 100 names, plus an initial cost of 7 cents for each address plate. That is, if you send us 100 names and addresses we will bill you for $14.00 the first month, and for $6.50 each month thereafter for as long as you desire to continue the project.

Some congregations in the past have had us mail out as many as 500 or 1,000 copies per month to their "prospect list" — and with phenomenal results! One church using this plan reported an increase in attendance of 25 people per Sunday, which they attributed to the interest aroused by this effort. Churches using the papers in this number receive the full back page of advertising at no extra cost. They often run the picture of their building, with a schedule of services and other items of local interest. And, of course, they always use this medium for advertising their gospel meetings or other special services. (Copy for ads of this sort must be in our office at least one full month before it is to appear in the paper.) Monthly cost of these "mass subscriptions" is 500 for $30.00 or 1,000 for $50.00. Plus, of course the initial cost of cents for each address plate. A church wishing to send the paper to 1,000 names will be billed the first month for $125.00, and each month thereafter will be billed for $50.00 for as long as they wish to continue this effort.

Other Services

Our carefully grade series of Bible school literature "Some Things You Should Know" continues to be widely used. The material is Bible-centered, and the work-book style of presentation causes every student to become most adept in the use of his Bible. Teachers are enthusiastic in their expressions of appreciation for the lessons, reporting an invariable increase in class interest and participation when this series is introduced.

Probably most of our readers are already familiar with our "Tract-of-the-Month" publications, in which each month we publish a NEW tract, dealing with some theme of vital interest both to Christian and non-Christian. The tract this month (by this writer) is entitled, "The Church of Christ versus the Churches of Men"; next month brother Cecil B. Douthitt's tract will be entitled, "Music Divinely Appointed For Christian Worship" — a refutation of the practice of using instrumental music in the worship. Many individuals are sending these tracts each month (8 for $1.00) to a select lists of friends in whose eternal salvation they are interested. Tracts immediately in prospect are one on "The Lord Supper" by brother Luther Blackmon, one on "The Final Judgment" by James R. Cope, and one on "What It Means To Believe In Christ" by Jack L. Holt. Other tracts in prospect are to be written by Eugene Britnell, Robert F. Turner, Homer Hailey and Herschel Patton. Many churches have standing orders for 100 or 200 copies of each tract as it comes from the press.

We are truly grateful for the loyal help our friends and subscribers have given through these years of the past. We solicit a continuation of that faithful assistance. Help us get the Gospel Guardian into the hands of sincere people! You will be doing them — and us! — a real favor.

— F. Y. T.