Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
May 24, 1962

I'm Writing A Book

A. C. Grider

My copy of the Gospel Advocate came this week and I see where J. L. Hines "recants" and declares he wants to preach for "a church of vision, a church that believes in marching on to victory." Hines merely announced his change to the popular side. He cited no scripture which might have influenced his change. In fact, he announced that a "vicious sect" among us caused him to change.

My copy of the Gospel Guardian came this week and I see where Bill J. Humble has also announced a change to the "middle of the road." Like Hines, Humble merely announced his change. Like Hines, Humble cited no scripture which may have caused him to change. And like Hines, Humble announced that "extremes to which these views were being pushed" was the cause of his change.

So, I have decided to "write a book." The name of my book is: How To Be Popular In Three Easy Steps. Here is the book in its entirety: Chapter 1. "Announce a change from opposition to innovations to favoring innovations." Chapter 2. "Be careful not to make any reference whatsoever to the Bible." Chapter 3. "Blame your change on some sound gospel preacher." The end.

But there is more of a "change" in Hines and Humble than meets the eye. While they were on the side of truth and had nothing to fear they would defend their teaching. If anybody challenged either of them he had a debate on his hands. But now, in their new-found "faith" (7) neither of them will dare defend what they teach! No, I haven't asked them yet. But I am asking them now! In fact, I am challenging them now!

It is a little sickening to hear a sound gospel preacher announce that he is becoming soft! It is more sickening to hear such a one announce such a change and make no mention of the word of God. But it is downright nauseating to hear one, after he sells his soul, try to lay the blame on somebody who is still contending for the faith. — Louisville, Kentucky