Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
April 11, 1963
NUMBER 48, PAGE 6,11c

Clippings, Comments, News

Clyde O. Moore, 2706 Paul Ave., Nacogdoches, Texas

New Creatures

One was baptized March 10th at Par Ave. in Orlando, Florida.

The Belmont church, Indianapolis, Indiana, had one baptism March 3rd.

Four were baptized during February in Sacramento, Calif. This church is meeting in the Grange Hall, 3830 U St. Forest Moyer is the local preacher. Otis Moyer recently concluded a meeting with this church.

Two were baptized March 3rd at the Westside church, Aurora, Ill., according to Leslie Diestelkamp, local preacher.

Grover Stevens, preacher for the Park Blvd. church, Louisville, Kentucky, reports two baptisms March 15th.

One was baptized March 3rd at Venice, Calif.

From the bulletin of the Butler, Mo., church, we note one was baptized March 10th.

One was baptized during the meeting of the West Evans St. church, Apache, Oklahoma. Bill McMurry of Oklahoma City preached in this meeting.

On March 6th one was baptized at Spring and Blaine, St. Louis, Mo.

Two were baptized Sunday, March 17th at the University Drive church, Portales, New Mexico. Jim Gabbard is the local preacher.

Through an error on my part, the baptisms that have been reported for the Preston Hi-Way church, Louisville, Kentucky, should have been for the Expressway church of the same city. The reason for this error was that both have their address on Preston Hi-way. My apologies to all concerned.

Those Who Have Fallen Asleep

Word has been received of the passing of Sister Myrtle Randolph, (wife of Wright Randolph, who preaches for the Montebello, Calif, church,) on Saturday, March 16th. Funeral Services were conducted March 18th at San Bernardino, Calif. Our deepest sympathy is extended unto his family. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." Psalms 116:15.

Moore - Knight Debate

On March 11-12, 14-15, and 18-19, it was my privilege to moderate for Elmer Moore in his discussion with Paul S. Knight. The debate was held in Green's Bayou, Texas. The subjects discussed were located preachers and Bible Classes and Women teachers. Brother Moore did an excellent job in exposing the erroneous teaching of Paul Knight. Knight contended that the preacher was an officer in the church universal. He stated that if a preacher planted a church he could stay as long as he wanted to, with complete oversight. He took two positions on nearly every question so it is difficult to represent him without misrepresenting him. On the first night he said he could prove mechanical instruments scriptural by necessary inference. When handed a proposition to this effect, he said he was just throwing out bait. On Thursday night he said he did many things for which he had no authority, such as, using song books, leaders, invitation songs, singing classes, etc. Moore says that Paul Knight is the most dishonourable man he has met in ten discussions. On Thursday night Knight asked Moore a question and took Moore's answer and applied it to another question. When called down for this tactic, he didn't even offer a feeble apology, but implied that Moore had changed the question. There are many other things we could cite, but a more complete report will be made later on. If you have a debate schedule with Knight be sure and get the tapes of the Moore-Knight debate. They may be obtained by writing to: Elmer Moore, Box 113, Highlands, Texas.

Meetings This Week

Valley Station, Kentucky — Franklin T. Puckett of Dyersburg, Tenn, will preach a gospel meeting at the church in Valley Station, Ky. The building is located 11406 Dixie Hi-way. Ronald Mosby is the local preacher.

Morton, Texas — Clyde Strickland, local preacher, announces a series of meetings, April 7-14th. Ardie Brown, Jr., of Green's Bayou, Texas, will preach.

San Antonio, Texas — W. R. Jones of Pruit and Lobit, Baytown, Texas, will preach in a meeting at the Highland church, located 1226 Highland, Blvd.

Birmingham, Ala. — Floyd Thompson of Santa Anna, Calif., will preach in a meeting at Huffman Street church, Birmingham, Ala., April 7-14th. The building is located 525 Roebuck Drive. Frank L. Smith, the local evangelist, extends an invitation to all in the area to attend. Thompson will be at Dyersburg, Tennessee, April 21-28.

Columbus, Ohio — The West Broad church, 3361 W. Broad, will have a meeting, April 740 with Wends11 Watts, Georgetown, Kentucky, preaching. Paul Williams is the regular preacher.

Columbia, Tenn. — Harris J. Dark will preach in a meeting at the Jackson Heights church. Services will be each night at 7. Franklin Williams, local preacher, extends an invitation to all to be in attendance.

Simcoe, Ala. — Doyle Bullaird, local preacher, announces a meeting with a different speaker each evening. The time of the services are 7:30. Sunday — "Our Attitude Toward the Bible," Arthur Thomas; Monday — "The Purpose of The Body," Richard Weaver; Tuesday, Tom O'Neal; Wednesday, Ma M. Myer; Thursday, "Looking Back on Your Baptism," Edward Bragwell; Frlday — "The Work of the Church," Bill Hall; Saturday, James Gunn.

Tulsa, Oklahoma — The 71st and North Trenton church will have a meeting, Apra 9-17th. Services each evening at 7:30. Paul Lusby of Pleasant Valley, Amarillo, Texas, will preach. The local preacher is his son, James Lusby.

Racine, Wis. — Hoyt Houchen, regular preacher for the North Park church, Abilene, Texas, will preach in a meeting in Racine, Wis., April 11th-17th.

West Gary, Indiana — The church which meets at 4638 West 11th Ave. will have a meeting this week with a different speaker each night.

Tucumcari, New Mexico — Clyde Jenkins, Liberty Hill, Texas, will preach in a series of meetings in Tucumcari according to Jesse Jenkins, the local preacher.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma — Stanley Lovett who preaches regularly for the Central church in Beaumont, Texas, will preach in a meeting at Tenth and Francis, Oklahoma City. James Adams is the local preacher for this church. Through an error on my part this announcement was carried last week.