Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
March 7, 1963

Uncle Floyd's Letter

The Business Meeting

Dear Brother Editor:

Last Sunday afternoon was business meet-in time up at Willow Row. Whereas we don't have elders and deacons, all the brethren get together and argue things down.

First off, Jim Whittle brung up about our summer meetin. He allowed that it is not too early to make plans if we aim to have a successful meetin. Will Willnot expressed doubt that gospel meetin's do any good nowadays. He thinks that with two services every Lord's day, and Wednesday night service on top of that, folks who is interested have a heap of opportunities for hearin the gospel.

Abraham Taylor come out strong for a summer meetin. He declared there ain't half enough preaching, and half of what's being done is only half done. Abe made a fiery little speech in behalf of our doin more to convert the lost and edifying the saved. Charley Smith said "Amen."

Will said he wasn't opposed to preaching but seriously questioned the effectiveness of regular protracted meetin's. After considerable talk it was decided to give the matter more thought before decidin fer sure.

One brother brought up about some of the women hurtin the church with their idle gossip. Clim Johnson put in that he thought some of the women was talkin out of school in the Bible class. After all, he recalled, the Bible says the women are not to usurp authority over the men. Several of the fellers thought two women in particular should be admonished personal. After more discussion it was agreed unamimous that a committee be set up to go to the two women who were the most serious offenders and tell them in a Christ-like way to guard their tongues. It looked like this item of business was about to be handled in a fairly decent way, but the catch was in findin someone to be on the committee, No one volunteered and every feller asked to serve made some excuse. The lot finally fell on the preacher (he gets paid, you know) who said he would do his best.

Before the next item was taken up, Will Willnot commented that he was about to conclude that when the apostle Paul said for the women to "keep silence" he meant plumb silent.

Most of the rest of the meetin was taken up with talk about repairin the building. No decision was reached.

I notice that the evening attendance was a little off. I recken some of the good brothers, like Abraham Talyor and Charley Smith, was tuckered out after the long business meetin. All in all, Sunday at Willow Row was about average.

Yours Truly, Uncle Floyd