Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 29, 1962
NUMBER 30, PAGE 8b,13

T____ T _____ D_____

Wm. G. Jackson

The Judgment scene is going to be one of great happiness, and of great sorrow; one of planned expectation and one of terrible surprises; one of great joy and one of terrible horror, yet all adjectives originating with mankind can never begin to describe the heartache, the fear, the terror of some members of the Body of Christ who will receive that command: "Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth," (Lk. 13:27-28) For the Lord's cry will be a great surprise unto many who considered themselves faithful children of God, yet who will receive that terrible sentence perhaps only because of T___ T____ D____.

Many have forgotten the obligations recorded in Matt. 25:34-46 coupled with Matt 5:41, where our Lord stated: "if a man compels thee to go a mile, go with him twain." The writer does not intend in this article to even discuss those who have obeyed the gospel of Christ and are resting on the so-called laurels of their initial obedience, instead of growing in the knowledge of the Lord, his will, his ways, as well as their responsibility unto him instead, this article is being directed to those who have gone beyond this and are not children tossed to and fro with every wind and doctrine, for many of these are being deceived because of THAT THI____ D_____.

It should be obvious to the honest child of God that since his thoughts are not the Lord's thoughts, and his ways are not the Lord's ways, that extra mile demanded by our Lord may be difficult at times to discern. Perhaps the will of our Lord will be accomplished if this honest child of God will look beyond the things of life readily apparent and ask himself, "where is that extra mile that my Lord desires me to traverse." Yet, many will not go that extra mile when it comes to THAT TH____ D____.

It should only be natural to wonder about one who might be named Manuel Perez as he faces the judgment scene being told by our Lord to go with the goats on his left hand and to hear his reply: "But Lord, the priest told me I was all right in your sight... I honestly believed this to be true....I did all that he told me to do....I gave what I could and served you in accordance with all the things taught me from childhood on....yet some of your saints now tell me that that the only reason I am going unto everlasting damnation is because of THAT THI_ DI_ _."

Another at the judgment scene might be a child of God worshipping In an area where there was no evangelist or teacher and not receiving his proper nourishment of God's word, thus not offering the obedience required by God. What might he say as he faces our Lord when he tells him to depart.... to go with the goats on his left hand: "But Lord, I didn't know what you wanted me to do. It is true I had a Bible, but I didn't know what you wanted me to do, or what to study. We had a different preacher every week.... sometimes they would preach the same sermon, tho a little different, but there never was a planned program of preaching because the congregation apparently could not afford a full time preacher. Now, since death, I find out that the only reason we did not have a full time preacher with a planned course of preaching was because of THAT THIN DIM_"

This latter one might have also said: "Lord, if I had known that there was a possibility of me or any one to go to this terrible place of torment for lack of knowledge, the a new convert to our Lord's cause, I would have turned the world up-side down in an attempt to get my brethren to increase their contribution by THAT THIN DIME."

What is that additional mile that our Lord would have his children to go" Surely it is a relative matter depending on the needs of our Lord during the particular period of time that we are walking on this earth. At our present time, with many faithful children being kicked out of the buildings where they are meeting, or having to leave because of the insistence of some to pay the Lord's money to institutions, many congregations are in need of that terrible old word, MONEY. Many souls are being lost and many more will be unless we arise to the need of going that extra mile in this respect.

Why is it that many, if they cannot increase their contribution by an even amount such as one dollar, five dollars, or ten dollars per week, will not make any increase? Is it to make it easier for the treasurers, the elders, or others to count?

Why is it necessary for the preachers around the Mexican border to walk to and fro between their home Bible study classes. When that extra dime would buy them a means of transportation?

The problem is not only there, but in many places of the world. Preachers who hold mission meetings are constantly hearing of places that have great need for money and could be helped if every member of the faithful brethren would only increase their contribution by THAT THIN DIME.

— Rt. 1, Box 1855, Meadow Vista, Calif.