Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
October 25, 1982

New Congregation

Adan Pena, Box 651, Pecos, Texas.

As have always been our desires, hopes, and our efforts have been toward that end, we have a new congregation here in Pecos among the Anglo brethren. This congregation is small, some 13 in the group or maybe more. It is known by this term: West Second St. church of Christ. Those concerned mostly are Bro. & Sis. Glenn Shultz, and Bro. & Sis. Ray Gregory. These brethren need help and encouragement and recognition. They are to be commended for what they are doing. They mostly need someone to come and hold them a meeting; some church that is willing to furnish a preacher to campaign and hold them a meeting. At present, Bro. Joe Hunter from Kermit, an elder in Wickett, Texas Church is helping out on Wednesdays and another brother from the Crescent Park Church! in Odessa is coming on Sundays. These brethren already have their own meeting house, renting for $40 a month, with an option to buy in a year. Any words of encouragement, literature to distribute or such, send it to them. They have a feeling that there are others in the "Big LIBERAL CHURCH" here, who could be taught the TRUTH concerning the issues, and they want to direct their efforts towards that. But they do need help and encouragement, specially. Let's not let them down: let's recognize them as others across the country have been and they have prevailed. The pressure that is being put to these poor faithful brethren is great; I know to what lengths these brethren can go to destroy the opposition; all kinds of lies, gossips, ostracizing, etc. and brow-beating. So I write to you brethren, asking that you consider running a notice in your good periodicals concerning these faithful brethren that are taking a stand for the TRUTH.

Any correspondence to them or literature, or if more information is wanted, write to me or Bro. & Sis. Glenn Shultz, 1701 So. Eddy, Pecos, Texas.