Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 7, 1961

Cogdill Woods Debate

Connie W. Adams, Newbern, Tenn.

Roy E. Cogdill will meet Guy N. Woods in debate December 18-23 in the meeting place of the church at 306 W. Main St. in Newbern, Tennessee. Preliminaries will begin at 7:15 each evening with the actual debating to begin at 7:30. Propositions are as follows:

1. It is contrary to the Scriptures for churches of Christ to build and maintain benevolent organizations for the care of the needy such as Boles Home, Tipton Home, Tennessee Orphan Home, Childhaven and other orphan homes and homes for the aged that are among us.

Roy E. Cogdill affirms Guy N. Woods denies

2. It is in harmony with the Scriptures for churches of Christ to contribute funds from their treasuries in support of the Herald of Truth radio program, conducted by the Highland church of Christ, Abilene, Texas, as a means of cooperating in accomplishing the mission of the church of the Lord.

Guy N. Woods affirms Roy E. Cogdill denies

Franklin T. Puckett will moderate for brother Cogdill and Thomas B. Warren will serve in that capacity for brother Woods.

The correspondence leading up to this debate dates back two and a half years. Since the Birmingham debate, there has been much speculation as to whether or not these men would ever meet in another public debate. It is a fact that brother Cogdill has had endorsement from various places for some time to meet brother Woods. Brother Woods has circulated the report that it is almost impossible to get Cogdill to negotiate for a debate, that he has to have everything his way. I have before me the correspondence, leading up to this debate. In all there are 26 letters. Twenty-two of these letters are either to or from Guy Woods, four of them either to or from Roy Cogdill. Cogdill agreed to meet Woods at a mutually agreeable time in his very first letter. From this it should be evident just who it is that is hard to negotiate with. But now the debate is scheduled and we are glad. We are expecting large crowds to be in attendance: each session.