Commendation For Cooperation
While the liberals are promoting human devices, we are building churches. It is highly encouraging to see sound brethren and sound churches cooperating to preach the gospel in new areas. New congregations are being created. Our fight against centralization of authority in certain cooperative projects has not led us to neglect New Testament work and New Testament cooperation.
All the instances of present day New Testament cooperation are too numerous for mention in this article. But we will tell of a few in which I have had some part in order to illustrate what is going on, in order to encourage more of the same, and in order to commend all who believe in and practice scriptural cooperation.
Recently a faithful preacher lost the financial support of some liberal elders who were obligated to him. Through a period of about three months when he was without support, a number of churches and individuals responded to cur calls for financial assistance. The brother was able to carry on his work and he is now preaching for a sound, loyal group.
In July we participated in an effort to establish a church in a coastal city of North Carolina where no congregation of the Lord's people has ever existed. Several preachers joined efforts in this mission. They were supported by several congregations and individuals. A church was established in the city and the prospects for growth are excellent.
A few years ago we worked in a similar effort in the tide-water region of North Carolina. A church was established. Congregations responded to our requests for support of a preacher and now the group is enjoying growth in a building completely paid for.
These are three instances. Through the past 10 or 12 years I have participated in several such efforts. I have made appeals on behalf of needy churches and on behalf of needy gospel workers. Brethren have responded well. In sending directly to the place or man in need they have followed the New Testament pattern.
Elders are burdened with appeals from many workers. They receive requests from many weak churches. They cannot respond to every call. It has been my experience that when congregations are able they will respond to the appeals of worthy brethren and needy churches.
It does me good to see sound churches doing more and more in cooperating with brethren in need. Sound brethren are working; they are cooperating. The cause is prospering. While the liberals build church institutions and centralize authority, we build churches and cooperate scripturally. Let us not grow weary in well-doing.