Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
April 27, 1961
NUMBER 50, PAGE 6,10b

Elders Present " Preacher" Rules

H. Edward McCaskill, Las Cruces, N. Mexico

Appearing in the "California Christian," December 1960, Page 4 is an article, "By the Elders, Eastside church of Christ, Portland 20, Oregon." Contained in the article is a list of "rules" to help the churches in the Northwest in selecting preachers. They emphasize the need of "sound gospel preachers" (which I must admit are needed anywhere) and emphasize the peculiar need in seeing that such are obtained; hence their set of "rules" which will identify the "sound gospel preacher" of their concept.

Rule 1 states, "Request him to furnish names of at least three congregations as references to verify his conduct. Then be sure to write them and weigh the answers." Perhaps such is wise and sound advice and then again I wonder who the preacher might write and what references he be able to receive to verify the conduct of the brethren with whom he is trying to locate? Again what if the references read something like this:

(1) He has been in prison and is a reputed "trouble maker."

(2) He teaches the direct support of the preacher. (Phil. 4:15-18)

(3) He strongly teaches the withdrawal of fellowship from ungodly brethren and those who walk disorderly. (1 Cor. 5:4, 5; 2 Thess. 3:6, 14)

(4) He pleads for the one body only (Eph. 4:4) and never has advocated a "Sponsoring church," "Christian Youth Camp," "AWYPS" (Area Wide Young People's Meeting), church support of Benevolent Corporations which are designed to provide places of living (homes) for indigents, A "Good- News Press" Corporation, which will preach the gospel through National publications, church support of "Christian" Colleges, or a "church of Christ" Hospital.

(5) We consider this brother a well qualified, "sound gospel preacher."

His name is Paul.

Rule 2 states, "Ask him if he will support the Herald of Truth and Boles Home. If he quibbles, look elsewhere." Creed No. 2 is somewhat misleading but no doubt the rule is meant, "If he won't preach the church support of the benevolent corporations such as Boles Home or advocate the sponsoring type of cooperation which is characteristic of Herald of Truth he is unsound and unfit to move to the great Northwest to preach the gospel of Christ." Is preaching support of "Boles Home" and "Herald of Truth" a part of the gospel of Christ? If so, where is the passage that I can turn to, to prove it to the saints wherever I go? If it is a part of the gospel of Christ which any "sound gospel preacher" is to preach then why didn't Paul, Peter, or James preach it or record it? Is it a part of some additional revelation as is claimed for the Book of Mormon? If so, then it is also condemned in Gal. 1:8, 9 and 2 John 9. I might ask other questions of these elders — what of those brethren 75 years ago who didn't preach support of Boles Home or Herald of Truth or any other similar setup? Were they lost? Would they have been welcome in the Northwest? Will I be lost if I don't preach the church support of Boles Home? Will I be lost if I don't preach the support of Herald of Truth?

Rules 3 states, "Beware of the man who is undecided how he stands on any issue vital to the church." To this I agree 100%; not because the Eastside elders prescribe it but because God's Word teaches it. The scriptures furnish completely: (2 Tim. 3:16, 17) and the revelation from God contains all things that pertains to life and godliness. (2 Pet. 1:13) If a man can't read and study the scriptures and make up his mind — he can't make up his mind.

Such is a much needed rebuke, I believe, to some gospel preachers who are still "trying to decide" or "I'm studying the question" (and have been for 10 years) and some who like to be identified in that unenviable camp of the "middle of the road" concept? Perhaps they might say that those who follow the "middle of the road" are individuals who are completely decided as to how they stand on vital issues facing the church.

Rule 4 states, "We suggest you secure and read well the Gospel Advocate issue of August 21, 1958 which deals directly with preachers coming from Florida Christian College and their ideologies." There you have the material you are to "secure and read well" which will give the exact formula for a "sound gospel preacher." May I suggest a better source of information? Simply the Bible! I don't know what the Aug. 21, 1958 issue of G. A. says about the preachers who come from F. C. C. but what difference does it make? Does a man have to come from or pass through the portals of F. C. C., A. C. C., H. C. C., D. L. C., G. P. C., or O. C. C. to be considered sound? What if a man determines in his heart to "go into all the world and preach the gospel" and give a thus saith the Lord for his teaching, regardless of having a BS or BA, a MS or MA, a PHD or an "Honorary Doctorate" could he come to the Northwest?

Just what those "ideologies" are that these young men from F. C. C. are being infested with I know not. Could it be that they are being taught that there is no scriptural authority for:

(1) Church support of "Christian" Colleges?

(2) Supporting the "Gospel Press?"

(3) Church support of Benevolent Corporations such as Boles Home?

(4) A congregation sending funds through another congregation to accomplish a work to which they are equally related as is characterized by Herald of Truth?

(5) Church support of Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, derelicts and any other who could be classified "other than saints?"

I feel confident, that with the passage or passages provided and sent to F. C. C. to justify these practices they will be taught in all Bible classes immediately.

Rule 5 states, "Don't be stampeded into hiring the first preacher contacted, simply because you find yourself without a preacher." Such is sound judgment and may I suggest an appendage to this rule? Don't be stampeded into hiring a preacher who will not take his stand on a "thus saith the Lord" for all that he teaches and practices and who is willing to stand for the truth of God's word regardless of the cost. Select a man who will proclaim the truth and "walk in the old paths" regardless of the likes or dislikes of brethren and any set of private rules fostered by any group of elders.