Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
April 27, 1961
NUMBER 50, PAGE 11,14a

An Effort For Unity In San Jose, California, Denied

Otis H. Moyer, San Jose, California

The elders of the East Foothill church of Christ recently made a sincere and conscientious effort to effect unity between the congregation at 81 North Eighth Street and the East Foothill congregation.

Realizing that unity which would please God is that unity which is produced by the Spirit, and that a knowledge of what the Spirit has said on the issues would be an absolute essential; we proposed an open discussion in the form of the preachers of the respective congregations preaching at each place on the issue of "Institutionalism," "Sponsoring churches," and "Recreational Activities Provided Eby the church," with equal time for each to answer the other's speech. The East Foothill church of Christ in San Jose believe that the church is sufficient to do all the work God gave her to do without human institutions and human arrangements. The church of Christ pt 81 North Eight Street endorse and sanction human institutions and human arrangements. Thus a divided condition exists. The East Foothill brethren feel that an open, honest, and frank discussion of what the scriptures teach would eliminate years division and bring about unity. The brethren at North Eighth Street feel that their cause is best served by refusing to allow their members to hear such a discussion. Thus, they wrap themselves in a cloak of scornful silence, insisting that if there is unity between the two congregations; it will be on their terms which are: (I) no discussion of the issues before the two memberships; (2) that brethren at East Foothill give up their convictions; and (3) that all accept the position of the North Eighth St. church. On this basis we could all still be in fellowship with the Christian Church! The plea of the North Eighth St. brethren of no discussion of what the scriptures teach is contrary to what we have always stood for. I wonder if these brethren feel the same toward Baptists, Methodists, and other Sects?

Institutionalism is a great problem, but I know of no greater problem before God's people than this attitude of a closed mind and a refusal to discuss what the scriptures teach.

The letter below not only sets forth the situation in San Jose, California, but reflects the problem before the church in general. The elders in North Eighth St. church, like those in all liberal churches, vigorously maintain that they want unity, but refuse to allow a discussion of the problems to be held open to ALL members.

We, of the East Foothill congregation felt that the proposal in the letter below was a fair and reasonable one. When the elders in North Eighth St. rejected it and stated that they had tried to effect unity with us and failed; we felt that fairness demand that every member in that church should be made aware of the true facts. Hence, we mailed a copy of this letter to each member in North Eighth St. church.

We, of East Foothill church of Christ want unity. We believe that unity can be effected only by what the Word of the Lord teaches, and by an open, honorable discussion of all problems. To do as the elders of North Eighth St. have done would not only maintain the division that now exists, but bring about further alienation. We may be "anti" many things, (and we are) but we are not "anti" discussing our cause with our neighbors and our brethren. We plead with all brethren who find themselves in a church which refuses to allow a discussion of the problems before the church in the light of scriptural teaching, to withdraw their membership and get in a congregation where there can be an 'earnest contending for the faith."

The Letter

January 8, 1961 Elders and Preacher

Church of Christ 81 North Eighth Street

San Jose, California Each child of God is under divine mandate of God to "endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."

Certainly if each member has this responsibility, elders of each local congregation have an added burden to see that such steps as are appropriate are taken in their respective churches to accomplish this commandment of God. We recognize that unity does not prevail and that no person can please God and sit idly by without making a concentrated effort to preserve it. Therefore, we make the following proposal.

We sincerely believe we have the truth on the questions that divide us. We believe that you are honestly convicted that the position you occupy is the correct one. We propose that the members of both congregations be allowed to hear a discussion of the things that divide us. We believe brother Otis Moyer able and capable to present the position we hold, and feel you no doubt have the same feeling about brother Lambert. Therefore, we suggest identical preaching services at both congregations with each man having equal time to set forth his convictions. We feel that all members have the right to hear these questions and then be allowed to "search the scriptures to see if these things be true." We believe this could be done "decently and in order," and fulfill our obligation to attempt to bring about unity in the body of Christ.

We hope this proposal will be considered seriously and that a public, unbiased, discussion may be heard by all saints in San Jose; and that unity may one day prevail among us.

In Him,

(Signed) Cecil Walls, T. F. Gardner, J. L. Teese,

E. L. Rhodes, Barney Nichols, & Otis H. Moyer

(Note: The above letter was sent to the elders and preacher of the Eighth Street church of Christ several weeks ago. This letter was sent hoping that an open public unbiased discussion might be held in San Jose concerning the problems that divide us and that unity might be brought about, based upon the scriptures. It is our feeling that all members have a right to hear these problems discussed and then make up their own mind as to what is the truth. We are sorry to report, if you do not already know, the elders at Eighth Street have refused such an arrangement, thus closing the door to unity between the two congregations. The major purpose of the mailing of this document is to let all know that we have done all we know to do in search of a better relationship and understanding between the two congregations, and that we stand ready at any time to humbly discuss the things that divide us.)


Elders, East Foothill church of Christ