Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
September 15, 1960

Loraine Burke Cogdill Loan Fund At Florida Christian College

James R. Cope

Loraine Cogdill ever rejoiced to see young men mature into effective preachers of the gospel. For thirty-five years she was a constant source of encouragement to her beloved husband as he developed from a young Timothy into a mature and stalwart proclaimer of the truth. She knew the aches and breaks as well as the joys that fill a preacher's heart and overflow the soul. As the years passed Loraine Cogdill became intensely interested in the growth and development of younger men who had dedicated their talents to telling the story of the cross. She prayed for them constantly and was a tower of strength to many who otherwise might have fallen by the way.

In memory of his beloved wife, Roy E. Cogdill is establishing a scholarship loan fund at Florida Christian College, the design of which is to enable young men who desire and plan to preach the gospel of Christ to receive a portion of their education at F. C. C. The fund will be available on a long-term pay-back basis at a very low interest rate. Interest accumulating from loans will be returned to and become a part of the principal of the fund. A faculty committee will administer the fund. At least two students may benefit from this fund during the 1960-'61 term. Benefits apply only to tuition.

Brother Cogdill feels that there are many personal friends who would like to participate in enlarging this fund. Persons desiring to participate in this project may make checks payable to Florida Christian College and mark them for "Loraine Cogdill Loan Fund." Such gifts, of course, are deductible for income tax purposes.

Brother Cogdill intends to add to this fund from his personal resources each year. Are there not others who will join him to enlarge its usefulness?