A Striking Parallel
Co-Operative Position
This quotation is from Christian Standard, Cincinnati, Ohio May 14, 1960, by Charles King "Internal Unity of The Christian Churches". On "Co-operative position" Mr. King says:
"The charge was made that co-operation with the U.C.M.S militates against local congregational autonomy. This was vehemently denied, and the fact that some congregations practice open membership and that some do not was submitted as evidence. All of the U.C.M.S. officers present insisted that the missionary society was a tool of the churches and was controlled by them. Nevertheless one of these officers continued, "Our job is to give leadership to the churches, and leadership is not leadership if no one follows"; and at a later time this same officer stated, "It is our (officers') responsibility to lead the churches to accept people of all communions as brothers in Christ." It gave the impression of a tail wagging a dog.
It is worthy of note that there was a very close and complete unity among the U.C.M.S. officers at the consultation of the following points:
1. The only acceptable means of acknowledging a oneness among the people of the Christian churches is that they endorse, follow, and support the United Christian Missionary Society and its officers.
2. An organic union is desirable among all who will unite through denominations or councils.
3. There cannot be unity by all Christians everywhere simply teaching and speaking the same thing. There must be earthly headquarters.
4. A church must use materials published by the Christian Board of Publications to be recognized as a co-operative church.
5. All who confess that "Jesus is God" must be accepted as Christian brothers regardless of all other difference in faith and practice.
6. The church must have a voice at the national level to speak out on ecumenical, social, and political issues.
The "independent" position was not so much an ultimatum as it was a plea. It might be stated by paraphrasing Joshua and saying, "Choose you this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house we will follow the old paths."
Now Let Us Read The Same Article Again By Substituting "Herald Of Truth "For" United Christian Missionary Society"
"The charge was made that co-operation with the Herald of Truth militates against local congregational autonomy. This was vehemently denied (by Highland Elders and those who hold their views), and the fact that some congregations support the Herald of Truth and that some do not was submitted as evidence. All of the Herald of Truth (Highland Ave. Elders) present insisted that the Herald of Truth was a tool of the churches and was not controlled by them. Nevertheless one of these Elders continued, "Our job is to give leadership to the churches, and leadership is not leadership if on one follows"; and at a later time this same officer stated, "It is our (Highland Elders) responsibility to lead the churches to accept whether they believe in the Herald of Truth or not as brothers in Christ." It gives the impression of a tail wagging a dog.
It is worthy of note that there was a very close and complete unity among the Herald of Truth Officers (Highland Elders) at the consultation of the following points:
1. The only acceptable means of acknowledging a oneness among the people of the Churches of Christ is that they endorse, follow, and support the Herald of Truth and its officers (Highland Elders).
2. An organic union is desirable among all who will unite through a token acceptance of the Herald of Truth. (As one college professor suggested that if North Park in Abilene would just send $5.00 it would restore fellowship).
3. There cannot be unity by all Christians everywhere simply teaching and speaking the same thing (that is following the Bible pattern).
4. A church must use materials published by a publishing house which supports the Herald of Truth to be recognized as a co-operative church.
5. All who confess that "Jesus is God" must be accepted as Christians providing they accept and support the HERALD OF TRUTH.
6. The church must have a voice at the national level to speak out on ecumenical, social, and political issues.
The "independent" position was not so much an ultimatum as it was a plea. (Of course on the Herald of Truth you either support it or get your meetings cancelled). It might be paraphrasing Joshua and saying, "Choose you this day whom you will serve," but as for me and my house we will follow the old paths (PATTERN)!