Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
July 9, 1959

Going To Jerusalem

Thomas O'neal, Butler, Alabama

The practice of the Jew was to observe the Passover in the city of Jerusalem.

Today, every Jew longs for the time when he can take a journey back to the city of Jerusalem. What the city of Jerusalem is to the Jew, the city of Mecca is to the Mohammedan.

Some, even today, seem to have Jewish or Mohammedan blood because they also want to make a trip to Jerusalem.

Some have commented to this writer concerning those today that must make their regular trip to Jerusalem — the Gospel Advocate Co. in Nashville (Jerusalem) Tennessee. If one will notice the 'callers' at the Advocate office, it is not unusual to see the names of those who make their trip — almost weekly. Just what is it essential to being a gospel preacher that necessitates going to Nashville every week? Maybe you know, I don't!

This practice of almost weekly attendance at the "Advocate Shrine" has caused some to wonder if these preachers are going for their "orders". Is this the reason? Or is it they must kiss the "Pope's" toe, purchase a "bead" and a "glass of holy water"? If it is the later, they must be really doing business for the last two issues of the Advocate that I have received has listed 160 preachers making the journey to Jerusalem.

But since I started writing this short article, I happen to think that maybe the reason for such a long list is that those who go, forge the names of others. I know this has happened in the past — somebody forged my name there on the "Advocate Roll." Have you ever wondered about this also? Wouldn't you like to know the answer?