Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
March 24, 1960
NUMBER 45, PAGE 5a,12

News And Notes

Charles A. Holt, Box 80, Florence, Alabama

News And Notes

Sound The Trumpet is the name of the latest publication among us. It is published by the Calmont church in Ft. Worth and ably edited by J. G. Jenkins. It is a neat, printed, four-page paper, and judging by the first issue, and by Jenkins' other writings, it will be filled with good material. I suppose it will be sent free to all who request it. Address: 3600 Calmont, Ft. Worth, Texas .. Paul Brock, Box 154, Dyersburg, Tennessee, has recently published another sermon outline book. It is called, "Sermon Outlines on — JAW — and others." It contains twenty outlines and they are usable. It sells for 50c per copy. Order from Brock . . . Judson Woodbridge, P. O. Box 214, Mulvane, Kansas, as published a booklet entitled: "What The Bible Can Mean To You, Your Family And Friends." It deals with twelve vital themes and it has some good material in it, which is well-arranged. It sells for 40c per copy. I understand that he has each outline available in slide form (for use with projectors) for 25c each or $2 for the twelve . . . From February 15-21, I was associated with the Park Blvd. church in Louisville, Ky. in a special meeting. Park Blvd. is a good, solid church, with sound leadership Elia Gary and Avery Corum serve as elders. David W. Claypool is the preacher. In spite of the bad weather we had a dandy meeting. The attendance was good and the interest was high. All the lessons dealt with various phases of current questions, as well as a few related matters. The effort was made to simplify and clarify, and I think such was done. After each lesson a question period was conducted and it proved to be a highli1ht of the entire study. The people were thinking and studying. Such a series is needed everywhere — if people will earnestly and honestly come together to reason. The Park Blvd. members attended in a fine way and good numbers came from other churches in the area. We believe that much good was done . . . "God's Shepherds" is the name of a new book by Robert C. Welch, 1801 N. 27th St., Birmingham, Alabama. It has twenty chapters and deals mainly with elders, their qualifications, appointment, work and so forth. There are other chanters which discuss church organization, deacons, discipline, visiting the sick, etc. Welch is a good Bible student and a fine writer. Whatever he writes Is worth reading. He discusses some questions that in our day need some serious study with sincere effort to learn and apply the teaching of the New Testament. The book sells for only $1 per copy ...

Contact is the name of a paper which is "Published To Keep Members of The Church of Christ Who Are Serving In Armed Services Overseas In Contact With One Another." .1. Wiley Adams sent me a copy recently and this is the first copy I have seen. I learned from this publication that the 6th and Decatur church in Washington, D. C. is the official headquarters for churches of Christ relative to the Armed Forces. This paper reports the following: "The church in Washington, D. C. announces that five new chaplains have been endorsed by the church there and are now serving in the following locations: . . ." Then the men are listed. At the close we have this: "If you are interested in being a chaplain, contact the church of Christ, 16th and Decatur, Washington, D. C." No one can be a chaplain from our ranks without the official headquarters "endorsement" of this church. This church acts for, and officially, the churches of Christ in this respect. The government looks to this church for such, just like they look to the headquarters of all denominations. This set-up was arranged by A. R. Holton, so I am reliably informed. He has been running around all over the world at government expense as a representative of churches of Christ. And it will come as no surprise that he exercises a lot of authority as far as the government's relationship with us is concerned. This is but another point showing the drift of churches toward centralization and an ecclesiastical setup. More and more evidence of such comes to the front, but many see no danger at all. In fact, it is the ambitious design of those leading in such endeavors that through such efforts the churches of Christ may soon reach their "place in the sun" and that we can take our place along side the denominations as a force to be reckoned with and heard from on all questions!

The Cause Of Christ In Memphis

In a recent paper I quoted a statement from J. M. Powell, of Memphis, that they were much concerned with what he dubs as "The Guardian Heresy", because it "seems to be making considerable progress" in Memphis. In that same issue I described what he calls "The Guardian Heresy." Well, he has grounds for his fears and he is absolutely correct its his appraisal of the situation. His fear and "concern" stem from the fact that he is well-aware that he can not meet this truth and destroy it. Memphis is awaking — the people of God will not all sit idly and complacently by while digression takes over. Powell and his kind have labored under the delusion that they had Memphis "sewed up" and one could possibly throw off their hold over the masses. With their "good words and fair speeches" they have "deceived the hearts of the simple" — the unsuspecting. But, alas, many are beginning to suspect — and think and study for themselves. The digression is moving so fast and so far that many are being "shocked" out of their credulity.

One outstanding example is the fine University Area church, where Don Medlin, who earns his livelihood as a pharmacist, does the preaching. It was my joy to visit with this group one Sunday evening in December and to preach. It was a soul-stirring delight. The building was filled with enthusiastic, interested people. They have real fervor and zeal. They are truly "on fire for the Lord." If they will keep on an "even keel" for truth, this church will really be a tower of strength for the truth in that area! One of our best families at East Florence moved to Memphis a few months ago and is associated with this group.

This church has started a four-page monthly paper, with the imposing name of "Zion's Royal Banner." It is printed and it is neat. It will be sent to many members of the church in Memphis and should do a world of good. It is but another medium of reaching the people with the truth; and given time, some of these good people will recognize it and stand for it.

In order to acquaint the readers more fully with this church, (and incidentally there are two other congregations in Memphis just like this one) and its work, I lift the following from the first issue of the paper:

A Brief Reflection

With the dawn of 1960 the church of Christ in the University Area of Memphis begins its second year. Great victories and blessings await us, we most certainly believe. Briefly counting our blessings from the past year, we look back to a Thursday night in late 1958. Less than a dozen young disciples met in an apartment near the University to make plans for evangelistic work in the area. Within three weeks the group had rented an old store building and began Thursday night services. Vigorous door to door campaigns were conducted and gradually the work increased. On the first Sunday of 1959 about 15 members began meeting as a church in the same old store building. But the fervency of the Gospel caught hold and steady growth continued until a larger meeting place had to be found. In mid-May the little church moved into a newly remodeled building at 884 Linden Avenue, and spiritual and numerical growth continued in face of opposition and pressure. Many have said the best congregational singing in the Memphis area is to he heard here. Sixty-five responses to the invitation in the first year have thrilled the hearts of the workers. A large per cent of this 65 were baptisms of adults from sectarian background. Love, unity and spiritual fervor have become the rule rather than the exception and often the whole congregation kneels in prayer for the prodigal children of God who come home to their Saviour. In many Sunday night services, which usually see a full house, it is not unusual to have 5 or 6 prayers, 10 or 12 songs, 2 or 3 short admonitions from brethren plus a full sermon. The spirit of reverence is increasingly better and for a period before the service there is silent reading and meditation. The interest never seems to lag as the Spirit of God is present and believers and sinners alike are stirred to rapt attention.

As the second year begins, nine Christians have publicly confessed faults, and a program of Bible teaching is being begun in various houses for aliens and new converts. In this busy metropolis a tie of personal affection has grown between the members although no recreational program is provided by the congregation. We cordially invite you to meet with us and see for yourself New Testament Christianity in action. Only the Truth will lead us to final unity and faith and love. Many false reports have been spread throughout the Memphis area about this congregation. All we ask you to do is keep an open heart and search the Scriptures with us.

Skating Party

The Douglasville Church of Christ will have a skating party at the South Cobb Roller Rink, located just off Bankhead Highway in Mableton. The total admission and cost of roller skates will be 25c per skater. Time, 10:00 until 12.00, Friday Evening, February 19. All neighboring congregations invited. There were over 100 skaters at the last skating party which was sponsored by the Smyrna congregation. — The Scroll, bulletin, Olive St. church in Marietta, Ga.

Is there any doubt that this was a church-sponsored skating party? Churches are conducting and sponsoring just about everything now. Yet we are told there is no need for alarm!

From the Mesa, Arizona Church Bulletin we find this interesting item:

"Attention Ladies: If we start now, saving the star off the Folger's coffee unwinding band, we can soon have enough for a large coffee maker."

What next brethren? Benevolent Societies are asking members to send them their Green Stamps so they might redeem items for use in the society. Now we find a congregation collecting "stars" for a large coffee maker. My stars, brethren what next? ? ? ? ?

Now, surely someone will up and say:

"Oh Spurlock, you're just anti-stars, anti-coffee, and anti-green stamps." No, I am

not anti any of those things, but I am completely at a loss to know how a coffee maker owned by a local church fits into their scriptural work, and saving up stars is not the way the Lord said for it to be obtained. My Bible says the group should use money from their first day of the week contributions.

— Harold Spurlock, via bulletin, church in Tularosa, N. M.