Concerning W. Curtis Porter
A recent letter from Brother W. Curtis Porter gives the following information:
"Regarding my blood malady, it has definitely gone into an extreme anemia. It began to do so sometime ago. I have already had three blood transfusions, and will go to Memphis tomorrow (December 18) for another. Tests made in the Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis have established the fact that my bone marrow has almost quit making blood. Polycythemia, in its final stages, often goes into anemia. Or, if one receives too much of the isotopes being used for treatment, the same results could be produced. In either case, I would be in the last stages of the malady. Just how long we can make the `last stages' last, I do not know. From the examinations made in Memphis, it appears that I may have to live the rest of my life on blood transfusions. Something might be found that would stimulate the bone marrow into action again, but so far nothing has been accomplished toward that. As soon as I am able to drive that far, I shall go to my doctors in California for examinations there. It might be that they will know something to do. At least we will have their estimate of it. Until and unless something can be done, I shall have to receive blood transfusions often. The blood bank desires that I replace the blood instead of paying for it. Some has been replaced already by some young men in Florida Christian College, and other needs replacing. Also the amount needed will increase my debt to the blood bank as time moves along. Blood can be donated to me from all over the nation. Any person wishing to donate blood can go to any blood bank that has a connection with the American Association of Blood Banks and donate blood to my credit. Just tell them to credit the blood to the account of W. Curtis Porter at the Blood Bank of Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee. Any type blood can be used. If it is not my type, they will exchange it for blood that is my type.
"This does not mean that I shall fold my arms and wait for death, but I shall continue my work in meetings and debates as heretofore. I have meetings promised far in advance, and will make every effort to reach them. Other meetings are being arranged, and will continue to be. The blood that friends will give me will provide the strength to carry on my work until something may be done to change the present picture."
We have no doubt that this brief notice will be all that will be necessary to bring scores of faithful friends to the Blood Banks over the nation to provide the blood which will enable Brother Porter to continue his work. Whether his life work shall terminate this year, or five years from now, or ten, or twenty, let those who love him and the Cause for which he so valiantly fights provide what is needed. We will try to keep you informed from time to time concerning his work, and his needs.
— F. Y. T.
Dean Adams' Letter
We are glad to give space on the editorial page to the following statement from J. David Tant of Clayton, Oklahoma:
"Since my article entitled "What You May Expect At A.C.C." appeared in the December 3, 1959, issue of the Gospel Guardian, I have received a copy of the letter sent to the brethren in North Carolina by Brother Walter Adams in response to an inquiry about me, and to which I referred in my article.
"The article stated (bottom of page 6) that Brother Adams had written these brethren saying that I "would stand in the way of saving souls." Not having seen the letter when I prepared my article, I had only Brother Adams' word on which to rely. And he did tell me, in no uncertain terms, that he was going to write to North Carolina, and was going to use those very words. I could not forget what he told me if I tried, for his words were burned upon my memory and into my heart forever.
"But be it said to his credit that Brother Adams changed his mind when he came to write the letter, and did not use such strong language as he had told me he was going to use. The letter read, in part: 'I believe that it is only fair to state that if he were applying for a position with the College Church, we would not employ him." The letter goes on to suggest Brother Adams' conviction that I would not be useful to the elders in preaching the gospel because of my inability to agree with the ideas they hold relative to the various institutions among us.
"I am glad to make this correction in the interest of truth and fairness."
Editorial Potpourri Sixty-Day Sale
Have you ordered your books yet in the tremendous price slash of our "Sixty-Day Sale" as advertised in this week's Guardian. If not, turn to the back page, make out a list of what you want, and order today'
Eighty-Eight Years
Last year more than two-hundred of our readers sent birthday greetings to Mrs. J. D. Tant on the occasion of her eighty-seventh birthday — and many of them commented on their pleasure at having read "J. D. Tant — Texas Preacher". Several have said they'd like to send another card for her eighty-eighth anniversary — February 13. Address it to: Mrs. J. D. Tant, Box 311, Eldorado, Texas. And several thousand others have read the biography since last February. Some of you, too, might like to add a note of appreciation for the book to the birthday card; it will be most welcome. Mother is well, active — and when the undertaker comes out to prepare her for burial, she will probably ask him to wait a few minutes while she types another letter or two!
Church Merger
Since our erring brother, Pat Hardeman, recently became pastor of a Unitarian church, many brethren have wondered just what Unitarians believe, and what kind of denomination it is. The Unitarians themselves are divided as to whether they should be classified as a "religion" or a "philosophy." The American Unitarian Association and the Universalist Church of America recently approved a merger of their two denominations, and adopted a statement of their aim: "To cherish and spread the universal truths taught by the great prophets and teachers of humanity in every age and traditions, immemorially summarized in the Judeo-Christian heritage as love to God and love to man." The new organization, which will come into being in May, 1961, if approved by local congregations, will combine some 100,000 Unitarians and 76,000 Universalists into the "Unitarian Universalist Association."
Tant-Harper Debates
We have long since sold out all available copies of the Tant-Harper Debate, but recently came into possession of five new copies which were returned to us by an agent. If you are interested, a copy can be had (as long as the supply lasts) for $3.75.
Eugene Smith Killed
It brings sadness to our hearts to learn that Brother Eugene S. Smith was killed early this year in a plane crash. Here was a man of great potential, but who lacked the spiritual balance to serve God effectively. He preached in San Diego, California; Wichita, Kansas; Del Rio, Texas, and then in the Dallas area. For a number of years he edited a paper, "Gospel Broadcast", finally abandoning the venture when his faith began to weaken, and he began to slip into liberalism. He made shipwreck of his faith, of his home, and of earthly happiness; and has now gone swiftly and tragically to face a future that can hardly be described as uncertain. Let every one of us with fear and trembling take warning from this solemn and melancholy hour, that we be "not of them that shrink back unto perdition; but of them that have faith unto the saving of the soul".